ET memories

[center]Yes.. the good old Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is still alive :D[/center]

I have been playing since it came out. I pretty much was a big noob for 1,5 years. I was pubbing in 2.55 till 2.60 was released, and my fav server I was playing (something like GeorgiaNeuremberg server) didn't go with the 2.60 patch so I went to other servers, ending up on the Gaymods.

I kept connecting to some goofy server from United States of America[CCCP] clan. They had rank structures in the tag..(old school tags :O) like [CCCP]Srg.Walk!n Target and they had actually 22 ranks based off the Russian Army. I made some good friends there and we had an AWESOME time. I started making maps in this period of time and also looking around to improve my gameplay..ending up with tinkering my first config.

Not much scrimming at that time, until I met John.
I still remember match we had against some guys from [id] and with John on supply. It was a little scrim with United States of AmericaVerm, United States of AmericaDustin, United States of AmericaJohn against Netherlandsme, United States of AmericaDoomfish, United States of AmericaSlayer and United States of AmericaJoemamma.

We were getting owned like little kids xD I mean Dustin was being lame fops blocking Allied spawn with a nade and outside covering with an airstrike..aced. Verm planted dyno in our spawn, and he got 2 dyno kills off, while John was hunting us down with a knife XD
Good days roflmao.

-ET 2.60b came out-

Then United States of America[CCCP] fell apart. Some kids went emo, and the couple of elders we had in there left. I was searching for nice clans, and made it to United States of America|ABC| gaymod clan.
Pretty nice time there. I got into Etpro much more because of the reasonable players on the United States of America|ABC| server. At least I though so, but I discovered that they all were using adren.. :/
Anyways, I wanted to have an scrimteam for ABC so that took off. But not really well. From the 50 people in ABC, only a couple wanted to join the scrimteam. I was like #)&%)@ omfgwtfbbq and left.

Then I got my own configs site (epic fail .. but yea you gonna try something) and started my own clan: Netherlands[CoH] (Code of Honor) an ETpro clan.. I picked up a couple of members quick and wanted start scrimming.
In this one legendary scrim we had versus some other NL/BE players, we got beaten pretty bad. One of their guys just aced us twice.
So 3 of my clanmates joined THEIR team after the match. Catching me on total surprise the only statement they wanted to give was: "they are better you @ [CoH], I'm sorry but I go with them."
Then I realised, pro players are bitched :>

I applied for etk when they had their old school tags as =>ETK<=. Made some friends there but did not stay very long as I was the only euro in a whole NA team..I just saw them not that much due to timezones.

I was so .. in rage with the pro scene I went back to gaymod & United States of America|ABC|. Afterwards realising I never should have done that. I raged their faces now. But when they wanted to have every1's config, so they could check if clanmembers are not hacking, I had my doubts. Clearly they though I was hacking else you wouldn't do that :/
I got upset with some higher admins and I /quit United States of America|ABC| and I was cless for a short while. I applied to Earth[FW], another gaymod clan, but they had a scrimteam that was at least (a bit) active. but then something happend..


That made my day and as Earth[FW] treated John like douchebags because John was "running traffic away" with his skills I left Earth[FW] and joined John's awesome project called EarthDamage Control.

Damage Control then became a community, then a multigaming clan, ending up having a dev team for gary's mod aswell, while I (WT) run the ET section.
dC. wanting to get into comp, so I was recruiting.
But it seems in all those years, the ETpro scene still hasn't changed much. There are still guys that have bigger ego then aim. There are guys that say "yes I join you", play 2 maps and then join another team without saying anything.
Ofc you have the famous hax0rs that are everywhere, especially in some pubs as Cybergames :O

It felt good writing down my ET memories. Hope you like my gaymod expierences.


/end journal
/flame on
Together with John, I'll play ET till the day I die.
Wow, you're bored?
incoming flame...
quote from zeh newbje <3

QuoteWithout me Sweden had been nothing..

Lets beginn with tornis, he would still be a random-public-player if not me newbje wanted to be nice and let my irl-friends play with me in my clans eventhough he sucked, Tornis has been by my side during his whole et-caréer as teammember or just fanboying as spec and thats why he has reached his goal with his life, playing in a nationalteam, unlucky it was ET and not football which was his real-goal, but whatever, nationalteam as nationalteam.
And sweden would never have a good rifle if i didnt gave tornis a hot tip and actually said he sucks with smg and he should start practising rifle since skill isnt needed there.

Even if tornis did a lot of screw-ups which made disposable not nr1, he is still here in dispo thanks to me.

next player: jONAS. ( who? ).
He is a player i picked up from a publicserver cuz he had high xp on xp-save server, skill was nothing we cared about then, thats why jONAS was able to join, and i remember he was happy weeks after that. In the beginning when we started playing pracs i was really curius about jONAS, and thought: how the hell can a guy with 2 eyes aim so fucking bad, We started from the beginning, i decided to teach him everything i knew and that would long time. after 2 years he was ready for competion on a high level… or no, after some days he was cabable to own everything.

And now slajdan:
Ex member of Team Sweden ( not the nationalteam ) it was a clan slajdan was teamleader in, since that time slajdans big dream was to play in a nationalteam. I felt sorry for slajdan and wanted to teach him everything I could and I decided to let him join s-base together with tornis and jonas.
98% of everything slajdan says is myths.
But something we are sure of is that he lives in a hospital with planned lunch-times which cant wait, doesn’t matter if the lunch-time is at the same time as a final in an important cup. When he need to go and pee it takes around 40 minutes, must be cuz of the long quene.
And slajdan have been by my side during his whole et-caréer like jonas and tornis.
According to slajdan, he knows mystic irl..

And now AlexL:
It was a day for a long time on a trickjump-server, I noticed that he was rly skilled on trickjumping and that’s why I wanted him to my clan. His aim have been high+ as long as Netcoders has existed but we had one problem, his teamplay. Since I couldn’t figure out how to make his teamplay better on an easy way which coasts I had to take this sitation with my own hands. Since alexL is a small and weak person I only needed to use big letters when I talked to him to make him understand that his teamplay sucked. And I have helped him a lot with gamesense n stuff, that’s why he has been accused of wallhack many times. And thx to me he has been in Team Sweden ( some days ) as BiffeN.

And now the stong twins Nils and kiiitos taking 120 in bench press:
They are 2 randoms which one already is busted in the “busted-movie” by kaiz, the reason why they wanted to join dispo is still unknown, they become really skilled players after they joined dispo, and that’s why they today are playing in the nationalteam.
I have heard rumors that nils and kiitos are NOT going to partipicate in this World cup. probably 2 busy with real life.

And now .. Savage:
We saw him on a publicserver for along time ago but back then he sucked horse-cock, 1 week later he played lots of 3on3s with alexL and pepper and his aim became insane and we let him play with us. when he doesnt play et, eat, go to toilet he tell everyone that he is clean.

And now blaze and demo ak.a lotix:
they are/have been in nationalteam cuz of me, I was in BT (banana troopers ) one or two days and took control on vent and teached them about cvar and more. Blaze is still accusing us ( dispo ) for haX.

As nuggan said in a comment, in a prac on Svarvadel i teached nuggan that selfkill and medicpacs actually IS allowed eventhough its not allowed on their favourite public-server.

this fucking wnb:s has stolen all attention from me
thx lots of love / newbje
|ABC| and |BC| owned !!!
remember starting at 04 with my friends during xmas holidays :>
noob cybergames > UK + BiO
summary: nothing has changed, and john is fucking ace.
to long to read tbh :x
Started ET on fueldump demo at a LAN
Got the 'standard 6maps' played that for a while, got my first clan aNI' (animals) at LAN, continued to play etpub etc with all the cool maps
Went onto a Jaymod clan {FE}, renamed =GHO= or something, then went to ETPro with Bulgaria Mirage and Bulgaria Vesselin and started hosting more weekly LAN at my place.
Joined sFx and played with the super cheating Netherlands Goliath, played a bit with COD cheater England _evan and then got to play with more homo Wales Welshies in 3v3, joining xelite, which went on to be Deathless.

Think I had more fun @ LANs though :{
anyone else played on Technolust servers @ 2.55?
In Malta there were alot of epic fights between clans nstuff... I really miss those days hehe, everybody flaming each other on a local forum :P ehh those were the days
KRP-Meet <3


Good memories idd, cu mates o/
I started playing regularly on the AIA (Anonymous IPD Addicts; later Arena of Instant Annihilation) server owned by United Kingdom Panther in Nov 2003. They had a TS2 server, so I began going on that and got to know the regulars. They also started running "sunday games" where only regulars could play - they locked the server, set up two channels on TS2 and we played through a whole campaign in two teams (sizes varied depending on how many turned up). These were effectively mix-clanwars, although none of us had played clanned at the time, so we didn't even realise it.

In Mar 2004, one of the regulars on the server, Australia pDok, decided to start a clan with the best of the other regulars. He chose United Kingdom slippy, Netherlands Ghani, Netherlands Shartar, Netherlands Thrillseeka and Germany Django. One week later he added Denmark Spitfire and United Kingdom me, to form the original United Kingdom Organised Chaos. pDok, slippy, Spit and I quickly formed the core of the team and became really focussed on improving our game. Within 3-4 months the four of us went from low- public skill players to mid skill.

oChaos folded in August 2004, mainly due to the disparity in skill and ambitions that had developped between the four of us (pDok, slippy, spit and me) and the rest of the team. Within a month we'd joined up with United Kingdom Renegade, United Kingdom Vapour and United Kingdom Stun to form the new United Kingdom Who Dares Wins team. Again we improved very quickly as a team. While in oChaos we'd been learning the basics of teamwork and individual gameplay, in wDw we were tuning comms, tactics and teamplay to a fine art. We picked up Israel LION and Ireland Nitro and were, in early 2005, challenging mid-high teams, including battling SoF for the UK #1 spot.

wDw folded in April 2005 - we had the best comms and teamplay I've ever seen in any team ever. Partly this may have been a reason for our demise - we were so focussed on keeping comms and teamplay perfect we stopped having fun.

After that I got what, I suppose, you could term my 'break' when I played in United Kingdom Team UK and, for no apparent reason, seemed to gather a small group of fans who thought I was actually good at the game (I was awesome as mortar, but not great at anything else).

I was pretty inactive for a year after that, a couple of attempts to revive a new oChaos lineup weren't greatly successful. This was the period, however, in which I ran my first LAN - QuakeCon 2005. I was also offered a CB supervisor position.

Then in May 2006 I attempted to build a new team with two of my good e-friends, Sweden Hellgoat, who had up to then only played 3v3 ET and Israel LION who I knew was an amazing rifle, but had yet to find a good, stable team. Thus the idea of a new Europe oChaos (#3) was born. The three of us made a pact that this team would not fold, no matter what.

I hit on some amazing luck when I saw a post from Czech Republic Butch and Czech Republic marv saying they were both looking for a clan together. I recruited them as fast as I could and we began to play as a 5v5 team (as was the fashion at the time). Hellgoat bought his swedish friend Sweden Imbi into the team as a backup. After mercing for us almost constantly for 2 weeks, Malta toxic caught me totally off guard when he offered to leave his team to join us too, and we had a solid 6-man lineup.

Unfortunately, after a few months, oChaos (#3) did fold, due to three main factors: I was about to head back to Uni for my final year, everyone in the team except Butch had offers from other EC clans (Europe Pingwins, Sweden noll8, and Belgium cZar) and we had some internal problems. If it hadn't been for my going to Uni I would've kept the team going, but as everyone had somewhere to go I decided to close the clan. I really enjoyed playing with the team, and we had some great games (4 maps vs being the most memorable).

Shortly after that came the first CPC, where I was made ET tournament head admin about half an hour after the event was meant to begin. Over the following two years I ran three more CPC/CDC tournaments and an ET tournament at the shgOpen LAN.

In 2007 I joined Polar, first as a general backup and tactical advisor and then as a full team member replacing Italy Xylos. We won EC, although I was unable to play the final due to allowed players list limitations, so I have still never played an EC game.

This year I played in United Kingdom Signum for a month, and was really enjoying playing when I was sent to China Shanghai for work. Since then I've been unable to play at all. And that brings us bang up to date - roll on CC5.
yeah the good old [CCCP] i love it
Did you have an alias called Mikezeegreat ?
since 2000 i change my nick many times ^^
That's a yes or no ? Augie is dying to find out if "Mikezeegreat" is a girl or a guy xD
The game is shit but it's an addiction, I like addictions. I pretty much fucked around for four years and this year decided I would play competitively for once. Only two lines and it still seems about as interesting as the walls of text posted above.
No mention of m00? :o

(It was m00, wasn't it?)
I could detail the summer of iLoG!k, playing with infensus, the formation of uberMix, the fun with the bovines but at the end of the day I doubt anyone would bother reading it.
i remember playing on 2.55 on United States of Americasan jose, or something like that(using the serverlist for et) D:
played .55 since 2005 was in [SE] clan and some other etpub shit.. made my own server on homehost about 4 times, all failed :F

started scrimming ET early 2006 ever since then, pubbing is just to ego boost and flame for me... loved playing wars...

found this site late to early 2006/2007 thought to myself "MYSPACE FOR GEEKS!!!" didnt finally pluck up the courage to join here until 6 months ago :DDDDD now i cant get off it!

muchos love <3 (loekino especially)
I loved the days around christmas time, with that christmas map, don't know the name anymore though =( The one with the cannon!
fuck yeah northpole

man i hope there is some 24/7 northpole servers this christmas
That map is the best map EVER. Love that, always on BIO @ xmas, but never 24/7 >:@
I started on fueldump test thing, was my first PC MP FPS I ever played cause it was free and I had just got PC in house.

I played on random publics for while then settled on the server and started hanging around with some ]KoT[ clan members, before I knew it I was trialing for them without really asking to and was asked to join after. A few month later the clan folded though.

I hung around for while then became inactive, then I joined a 'fun' clan called MCE we started to play competitively but the main clan split in two and soon after folded so I went inactive again.

All while I was learning to make custom maps and began the Battle of Wolken project. At first it was just public maps but then I foolishly decided to try make a competition map. When doing so some old people who knew back in ]KoT[ wanted to help and started the short lived that tested new maps and brought you such treats as Bremen, Karsiah and to a lesser extent Wolken 1 my own map. Was only ever used for a single 3v3 open cup but the small success of the map prompted me to make Wolken 6 which failed to take off.

Other stuff inbetween include making maps for the powerball mod and joining the Eastern Front mod for a week and quickly leaving.

I then slowly stopped playing after getting into ET:QW closed beta and started making plans for mapping in this game also.

ET:QW after one year has been one big dissapointment both playing and mapping wise, lack of players means lack of interest in the maps I've made, here's hoping Wolfenstein is much better!
]KoT[sock bouncing off the walls again, A-WOAHH
w00t I remember testing one of those Wolken maps as member of [CCCP] lmfao !
In before ReWolf's post.
I started playing in September 2005 after some friends of mine told me about the game and said I should play it as well. So, unknowingly, I downloaded 2.55 and started playing together with a good friend of mine, Poland/Netherlands DIO on the United States of America RLR server. We played there for around half a year, which was amazingly fun and good. In February 2006 though, the leader pulled the plug as he needed to take more care of his private life. I was just about to get into the European division of the clan and was so disappointed to find it suddenly gone, that I randomly shouted to create my own clan.
I was backed up by Serbia Stefke and so I created my first clan in March 2006, TLR. It was possibly the greatest time in ET I ever had. We had a very successful pub server from the start, which was full for around 18-20 hours a day and lots of nice members. Here I also met Scotland Highlander, with whom I still play today. In this era I also, slowly got introduced to scrimming thanks to our 'brother' clan, E-10. The two clans became close and we merged to form A!M. The merge wasnt very succesful and we splitted, but me and Scotland Highlander continued with the aim legacy.
In september 2006 we started to scrim seriously by entering the ETWars competition on 2.55 and surprising everyone by playing better then expected. But thanks to bad organisation we lost interest and dropped out later. We did play alot of scrim together with the awesome clan of F2K though. Finally around 2007/2008 we switched over to playing on 2.6b because we lot interesting in the worsening scene of 2.55 (more kiddies, no more fun etc). Our pub server had switched between pub mods and NQ, but now we ditched it for scrimming. This period had it good times and it's bad times, although we set an example for the 2.55 community, some following in our wake, while other good players had started in our ranks or been in them once.
On 2.6b we played together for around a year with some different Line Ups and people although the core usually stayed around the same. We lasted till june this year, after we finally gave up thanks to less motivation and no teamwork anymore.
At this time me and Scotland Highlander moved on to play with some members we got to know and mix with Europe qubetemp. After much fun and lol mixes, we now started to get recognized by the smell of ownage in the form of Europe BIGBEATS h&g
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