CC5 Online tourney

Is there any date already or info coming up?

grtz tards

On request : Wiesiek hacks ->
you should add "ps. wiesiek is a cheater" :D
pathetic :D
i was being sarcastic :XX
No there isnt ...

We cant plan an online tourny , if we dont know how many teams have signed up, and how many teams WILL sign up, since they still have time to do so till sunday :)
make a newspost that sunday is the latest date , push the teams a bit
We already pushed the one's that needed pushing via pm's on irc :P
<3 ana is awesome
you should add "ps. wiesiek is a cheater" :D
you should add "ps. wiesiek is a cheater" :D
you should add "ps. wiesiek is a cheater" :D
ask wiesiek
It seems like Wiesiek is the new victim of this community ? ;o
Since when has good tracking been considered to be cheating? why dont anyone accuse mystic for it? Ps. Wiesiek dont even hit in that avi -> Usually aimbot makes user hit better even an opponent hits him.
that avi is from a lan afaik, or atleast I think ggt in the filename means that. And point is that he doesnt hit in it = because he is shit on lan = hacks online

Conclusion: You failed
ah its from lan. Anyway he is aiming very well there.. And he dont hit because he is shot at..
in the last 2 weeks of november, close to that
epic fail
I'll prolly organize 6o6 cup from 14th nov till like 9 december. Info should come today.
this is just ridicilous to do an avi of one situation.
i mean his aim is really bad for sure but like u aim evertyime 3hs nstuff
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