quantum of solace

Im at school and want to watch this movie since some of my classes got canceled .

Do you know where i can watch it as a stream? :)
nope, going to watch it in the cinema this week
no offence, but everytime i browse this page, i see some very stupid journal by you ...
Your journals:
Funny stuffs
Clanbase -> NEW PAM
nasty dog
ET swapping
my new pc :]

My journals:
Quantum of soluce
MSN bot
CDC4 pics
alexL and his gang
As dumb as me

"nasty dog (11 comments)
Posted by Future on Thursday 6th December 2007, 17:46

(url) [www.youtube.com]

might be old :D "

Perhaps some of my journals are idiotic. But take a look on your own journals :)
posting funny links or smth is not stupid/idiotic, cuz 3/4 of the journals are that ... but asking for idiot things is ....
Quoteposting funny links or smth is not stupid/idiotic, cuz 3/4 of the journals are that

Okay. As i see it 3/4 of all people on crossfire are stupid/idiotic. And you just proved that your one of them.
nope, the stupid ones are the other 1/4 who are asking for nonsense things

lets stop the flame, im not interested in it anymore :]
Will watch it in the cinema tonight!

German version though :-(
that must be gay... Dont they have the english one with german subtitles?
German dubbing is so gay D:
We are used to it...
+1 usually fucks up every good movie
do all male actors have voices like Chef & female like Wendy from south park ?
cuz that's what the frenchies do
its quantum of solace....
Those bastard french have got a decent copy of it available on torrent sites, no english version available yet though (unless it's been released while I've been at work!) :(
fucking frenchies :@
decent?? If u would have read the (french) replys u would know that the quality is very bad and that the first 20minutes and last 10minutes are missing from the movie.
Why to spoil the movie by watching some crappy cam-version of it?

I might even go to cinema to see it, or at least wait for the dvd-rip.
<3 cam version from stream <3
going to cinema tomorrow or next week... after all its bond, you cant watch it on pc!
so true, went to see it on the opening night with me lady, and even she enjoyed it! fucking miracle really. great film, really liked it,and back towards what the old bond films were.
u got a girl at last ?;D
been nearly 8 months you cheeky nobbert lol. im a bit of a catch ye see, so its a minefield.... this one drives the new jaguar though, i think shes got more money than me :P
haha well that ruins my next comment if she is rich :(
saw it yesterday, decent/good
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