PB error o_0 WTF?

While im on server i'm getting kicked out and get the error: dissallowed program/driver [80251]

I dont know whats going on as i was playing today without any problems, but now i'm beein kicked after 1 minute since i join a server.

How can i fix that?
I think ET doesn't like one of your programs and/or drivers.
I think ET doesn't like one of your programs and/or drivers.
I think ET doesn't like one of your programs and/or drivers.
I think ET doesn't like one of your programs and/or drivers.
Restart PC, worked for me at least
nope ; ( still hv this problem
one of my mates had it like 2 days ago and fixed it, I would ask him but this might be hard since he sucked at last offi and we kicked him out of our clan :X but I'll try
hacks didnt work enimoar ? : (
no well we pwned opponents at radar in 5 (our 6th lagged out) but suddenly this idiot joined vent so we allow him to play with us second map as our 6th player. so he joined, we started supply, we made it 8 mins. everything was fine till they planted forward bunker main gate as allies. I was medic, my 2nd mate was engi, we were down near to dyna and waiting for revive, idiot arrives as medic, left us for full spawn and selfkilled himself also for full. so our team were in 3, opponents planted depot and made the cp :D and made 5:30 time cause we were fucking pissed because of that bunker action (we still managed to win this match). huh long story
a jaki on ma nick? moze sam do niego napisze ;X?
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