7 Nov 2008, 21:27
Well here are stats from PGA 2006 (2 years ago) and i heard from secret sources there was a deal between wiesiek and snoop, reportedly, wiesiek has paid 10000 € to be the best.
And if you are really curious, we also thought that he cheats, even in WoW clan @ 2005, until he played first time at LAN :)
Here is very old and short sentimental movie by Thoro from 2005 :D
And if you are really curious, we also thought that he cheats, even in WoW clan @ 2005, until he played first time at LAN :)
Here is very old and short sentimental movie by Thoro from 2005 :D
but then i lol'd
And i think i need it really :D
We(me) played ALOT againt WoW back then, not saying anything biased or with any opinions on the matter, but tbh wasnt anything special back then, but you did have a guy always nicking "cum" or smth, he was pretty good. :-P
Odpierdol sie kurwa od pawla!
<3 wiesiek and siema n00n