
yoyoyo sup whatsup with friday what r u doing, why arent you out and why were you out and already in (like me, notink to do after 3L of beer nowhere to go etc fail), tell me about your megafriday

oh and ye i've finished my first period of college, i've 4 lessons which have "2" (out of 5) so im feeling kinda shit/depressed and failed in life, so tell me smth okybibuy

image: epicCPwin

lol hi to you 8D

NOT ;\
making a break of alcohol after a negative experience :<
3 litres? Thats like 10 bottles here l0l

playing FALLOUT 3
i LOL'd irl about the pics
just started new job. it was cool like nice girls working there, but it was just too fucking busy to even attempt to chat them up. and as im a "temp" worker as most of us are i doubt i'll see most of them again. but the extra money will be nice. i get my new mouse probably on friday so i can play with a decent mouse again(been playing for ages with a free mouse that came with my pc after my mx518 died). i can't go out til at least next weak due to the fact of having 0 money :(
huso, paly paly cod4?
Went to play CoD5, came in a free for all server with 3 people, me and 2 others. I got killed and I saw him kill me in killcam, and when I died he suddenly spinned around and aimed at the other guy :o later the other guy did the same. I was in a server with 2 cheaters, in the end I still owned them because they sucked at cheating. Was fun enjoyed it and then I got a BSOD. My friday night. Gotta hate it.
2 out of 5..well done...

image: CatLaugh
other than the fact that friday is much less of a good evening for going out than for example tuesdays thursdays and saturdays i have to get up for work tomorrow morning at ten past five :P
hijo de puta
i bet you've got 5 in russian!
i am sick, chillin at home and watching movie zLoL!
who's the babe?
i have

find out plz!
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