COD5: World At War
8 Nov 2008, 00:14
finally cod5 was released@piracy 4 hours ago XDDDD
2 hours left for ze download!!!
2 hours left for ze download!!!
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
if the multiplayer gets good reviews from fellow gamers, and it appeals to me, ill buy the game, as ive almsot completed the single player already, but as we all know (or maybe im a WEIRDO) the multiplayer is always so different from the single player, maybe not graphically, but in gameplay and tactics. if it sounds like ill like it, ill buy it. cod 4 single player rocked, but mp was POO, and yes, i bought that fusen.
anything else? or was this just a bit of late night idiocy brought on by some red wine or something else equally gay?
no need for the NOOB bit fusen, you're just angry as its a well known fact that :
ME > you
at everything.