Punkbuster BSOD Troubleticket

Everyone that has the blue screen of death problem that appeared with the 4. nov PB update, please send PB a troubleticket here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php?game=et so they fix it quicker.

i've had it since the update, havn't been able to play for 5 days already. PB is fucking retarded and they aren't even answering my troubleticket.
not nice pushing my 10sec journal down
I want anti 3 :(
" I will never run unreliable programs from chaplja"

:p you have to understand that at first I didn't trust it.. now I still don't do 100% but yeah it's still better than PB I suppose
Hits 11190

not nice pushing my 666 sec journal down
I dont have those programs running either, I had powerstrip, but I uninstalled it. Still crashes..
cleaned your registry after you installed?
Your ticket was submitted to our staff. Thank you!
i made a ticket some days ago. answer + question was: update your pb, and write back if you have got some bluescreens again...
hah.. pb update is why it appeared. as usual they're just ignoring this huge problem.
my blue screen says the problem is from : pnkbstrk.sys

already sent a ticket :)
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