joes in trouble :(

calzaghe fight. big roy on the ropes all the time, but still jabbing the fuck out poor joe's chin :(

who's gonna win?!?!?!

roys cut above his left eye! hes fucked!

yassss. bring on round 8!
explain plz. thx.
edit: ohhh i see you are talking about boxing? (jabbing)
boring sport
this fights been fucking great so far, sooooo far from boring :D
wow. even the refs soaked in blood :O
where can i see it?
Gwaaan joe !!!!
fucking smashed him in the 2nd half
pay per view mate.

calzaghe threw 985 punches in the match :O 46 wins. zero loses. a true champ.

the fight would have been stopped in the uk though, american ref let the fight go on the whole way, big roy's left eye was completely shut and he must have lost litres of blood from it.

class fight.

if it is his career ending fight, well, what a way to go out.

what a fight.

showed any doubters of joe's skill ! he was simply awesome. Jones caught him with a crackin shot in the 1st round but Joe adapted and prevailed!


awesome fight though :)
amazing fight. Should of been called tho, state of that cut was a joke.
the cut was pretty bad yeh, but i didnt see Jones fail to defend himself ONCE, and i think that is why it wasnt called.
in all honesty it was just abit fucked, the blokes corner didn't call it neither did the ref .. bloke could barely see :D knowing how Jones does fight you could see why they wouldn't call it but still, only having one clear eye is abit of a fucker :P
true but i think with no sign of deteriorated defensive skills ( tho i think he didnt throw as many as he usually does ) it would of been an unfitting way to end the fight.

glad it ended tho with no serious injury to roy
Oh who gives a fuck, he's a so called "big hard" yank man!!

0:46 is amazing :D


1:00 too

fucking loled sometimes :>
ahahahahahaha its the sounds
he got up to win :)
can any1 find the fight video for me plz ?
Its a good win for Calzaghe Its just ahsame this fight did'nt happen years back when both especially Jones where in their prime as i think it would have been a different outcome Jones is and it showed over the hill now.
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