A world without religions ?

What do you guys think , would it be a better world ? No More "gihad's" , less wars and less terror ?

open conversation !
blablablablabla bla bla blab alblablabla bla!!! :)
A world without religions is like crossfire without killerboy.
Religion was a good way to start civilization with and has now been outdated. Easy as.
i believe in you , ur my god
I appreciate. Now build me a temple and donate your money.
kabalah or the tom cruise thing you are making fun off? either way :D totally right ... well almost all religions do this in our part of the world :p
Kabalah is nowhere near a bad thing. It's the retarded pseudo-spiritual celebrities giving it a bad name.
hah most likely yes

but it's just a fab(or how do you americans say this hype)

i hate people that just do stuff because apparently it's cool...
there will always be wars/fights whateva it's not even a question -.-
the bad thing isnt the religion but the people using it to do crap which is actually forbidden in it like killing people in the name of god for example.
the question should be:
Would it be a better world without the humans ? Yes !
not really just pointing the obvious
image: 62912-Captainobvious1
except at jews, where killing a non-jew is allowed.
i hope your not refering to jews killing jesus.

rofl not. its in their 2nd secret book.
agree.. lets get revenge for that!
Hitler beat you to it ..
Ther are still some jews outside so....
that was a bad example. of course, there are extreme radical groups which are killing people in the name of god, but these are like 0,1 % sections of whole religion (I bet u meant islam)
still I dont believe in any religions so Im not defending them
humans are just a species, without them there would most probably be another one to replace it, maybe diferent but the outcome would be the same.. imo
Though , it requires a certain level of intelligence which I doubt a lot of species would be able to evolve to
in the time that humans evolved to have this kind of conscience another one could have done it too, most probably it would be in the same family like primates that are the more closely related to us
could be true , though I believe it was more a fortunate mixture of circumstances

Like getting thumbs ;)
True, religion is just used as an excuse. If religions didn't exist, everything would go the same just with another excuse.
read Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood; you'll soon learn that a world without religion quickly picks it up anyways :(
hard to say have religions generally done more good or bad. less wars, but still wars with just another reason? it'd be world without hope so it prolly would be pretty chaotic, dunno.
A world without USA would be better
A world without ignorant cumbuckets would be better, too.
Dude, you're French.
Hi, I'm from Naziland.
im not sure if the religion is the reason why they r doing suicide.. :/
and i dont care. everybodyx who wants to trust in aynthing should do it. caus ein no relgion they say u should kill others to get a better life...
Religions have proven themselves usefull to some people but almost each religion has followers that take the rules to litteral! short story: Nah it wouldn't be better;) xD
People that say religion is stupid are stupid themselves because I've seen proof in some magazine that this guy got possessed by satan and his voice sounded different and everything.
it's called epilepsy
Wow, you must be pretty stupid. You're probably one of those people that think 'science' is always right while they ignore all the proof that God exists. You probably think the Bible was written by random people as well, lol.
You probably don't know that everything what's in christianity is stolen from other [older] religions?

And also the fact that religion is nothing more than a business (especially christianity) since it was invented? ;o

Also everyone who have a little bit of brain knows that science > religion.
Sorry, but I don't see any point in discussing religion and science with a pathetic neo-nazi who has yet to figure out what Hitler was actually trying to do. Go discuss the superiority of the white race (even though Hitler acknowledged that the white race was impure and idolized the yellow race, and therefor tried to purify the white race) with your equally ignorant friends.
So you admit that I'm right about religion (if you now switch theme to me calling me a neo-nazi (what you should also prove))? :)

Also you could tell me - what's the connection between nazis and religion here (in this topic) and how it would change my opinion if I'd be black / yellow / blue whale? ;o
Quote by bacilisSo you admit that I'm right about religion

If that was an incredibly well thought through witty pun, I would congratulate you for your astounding sense of humour. Though that doesn't seem to be the case, so I guess I'll just have to tell you that reading comprehension might serve you well one day.
So why did jesus didn't help all the poor people when the evil nazis and communists attacked and killed millions of innocent people? ;) Where was your god then? :D

Better donate all your money to church and pray all evening - so atleast you could sleep well in the night and priest could buy some good whiskey and while laughing at your kind of people, drink it in the evening while watching wrestling or some action movie. ;)
Actually the bible was written by random people. You don't honestly believe jehova threw the book down to earth and told the people to copy it? I do not believe in anything supernatural, which doesn't mean I don't believe the bible is a valuable book in certain parts. In my opinion the bible is written by many people who wrote down the stories that had been in the peoples minds for centuries. Early christians did what they still did today: If we can't explain something, it HAS to be created by a god. I think I'm old enough to not make fun of people who believe in their religion, but I will never believe and will never have a reason for doing so :P
you are random!

actually cutty is, like always, right. afaik the bible are 66 different books written by 39582904859034 people. Stories were made up like "I heard of someone who had a friend who heard of this guy who did this and that".

Cutty, I need ftp soon, plz halp me!
Yes like John Lennon was singing! :-)
hm...I wonder why he got assassinated.
<- non believer ..so yeah !
omg not fucking again
löl zafoga is back
It doesn't work like that. A world without religion would also be a world without logic, science and technology. Ultimately, the way to remove religion is to remove humans.
The way to remove religion is to remove modern civilization*
Not really, religion has been going forever in one form or another.....
The ancients were equally sceptical about the existence of a 'transcendental power'. Modern society gives a voice to atheism. Before, only the rich, powerful and incredibly stupid brave would denounce religion in public.
I was trying to imply that religion has formed the modern society in a way that the non-existence of religion would have never been able to.
You're completely right. My point was modern society has given a voice to the non-believers. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Combining both our points: perhaps religion is destined to improve/modernise society, and then create (as a consequence) a voice which seeks to get rid of it.
To refer to my previous comment further above, I don't really think religious beliefs play a major role in improving our modern lives. I think they did good in the creation of our modern moral standards but they haven't moved any forward in the past centuries (except for that Intelligent Design bullshit).
How this picture is related to the topic I do not know but you got my vote!
its what I'd do to evan because i love him
Which anime is that from?
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)
i agree with you, without religion there would be no laws and could be a bigger caos...
religion ~ law (not refering to judicial or whatever, refering to old concept of manners to do god and not evil)
Are you serious ???

There's a thing called humanity , nothing to do with religion ...

There are LOADS of non-believers tbh and I doubt even 1% of them are mean bastards who don't mind killing/stealing/raping/...
religion is a part of the human being, it has been part of society since human's primordial societies...
all of the human existence has been marked by rulers who made their reigns/kingdoms/whatever acording to what they believe, all the rules made where in the basis of some kind of religion, it was there (at least i think) that you learned to discern between what is "good or evil", more precisely behaviours accepted in your society as acceptable. The so called non-believers didn't start as it, they first learned the religion and only after not understanding it or not relating to it they could take a stand, everybody starts learn to be in society in the light of religion. I don't believe in it too, but that is because i have first of all come to know it, i'm a biologist in formation and that is another strong position against religion so that you can see i'm not defending it, but i think that all rules and laws that governate our society are based in religion...
if you think i'm wrong, then state your arguments in proving that what i said is wrong... i'm open to new perspectives
Actually no

It's just social awareness and that requires intelligence ...

I mean you can even see at dolphines , they don't attack each other do they ?

And I doubt they have a religion :)

Religion is just something made up by humans in an attempt to explain the world
you know well that social awareness is shared by other species, sometimes complex enough to be compared to human social systems...
dolphines don't attack each other when there is no need, you would see and be impressed if one was protecting resources as rare and precious enough to be fought for and an intruder would come close by, they would fight aswell, in todays time there is nothing like that because they don't need to fight for food, there is plenty of it... it's not because of that that humans fight? resources and influences over spacial domination (not to mention others)?
there is no need for special intelligence to have social behaviours, that is just what humans do but in an bigger scale, try and see the social behaviour of normal mice or rats, and believe me, they are not as bright as that...

i didn't say religion wasn't made up, i surely know it is, and not only to explaine the world, but also to rule over others, those who made religions were smart enough to do them and to give it credibility do that it prevails... that's why i said it was the basis of all rules and laws.
don't you think so?
I'm not entirely sure , but I think the power thing started off later

Yes , that's because we have power and we are all intelligent , so we have to play it smarted than simply attacking , killing the leader and replacing him

And actually true , the dolphine thing was a bad example since even back when there were dinosaurs there were species that didn't attack each other (example : velociraptor worked in groups)
in my theory of conspiracy (:D) i think it started like that but it can't be proved

the concept of power come later, see the example of lions or gorilas, they have a leader and constant trys to outpower him, it's natural in some species to try and take the lead because with leadership comes beneficts, like females and territory, not to mention easy acess to food...
raptors are just an example of group behaviour, you have lots in nature..
A world without muslims* Would be a better idea
got to agree whit this one =/
Like Muslims are any worse than Christians.
You no they are so dont even try and defend them.
They're just a little more explosive in the way they show their faith.
Bad taste - I like!
nono... a world without those extremist muslims would be better just like every other kind of extremist. muslims if they follow the strict learning of their religion are actually just the same if not more peaceful then christians.. it's always the extremists that are at fault.
ban muslim christianity and judaism imo let's all become buddists or some nature religion :D
sadly it goes like that
Religion = war end of

But im sure humans would find something else to kill each otehr over if this wasnt the reason.
weird hearing this from a polak :o
i guess you really need to come to poland to see how things work here :-)

young polish people are just just like you owerdriijw :)
IMO religion is only for the weak people who can't handle their lifes by themselves and therefore they trust and believe in "higher powers" which will save them, help them, make them happy.

Not to mention that the whole religion (chirstianity especially) is more a for m of a business. You think that there's someone who listens to your prayers? lol! You think that your donations goes to save you from evil and miseries? lol! You think that there really is a god? lol!
poor people who think we had no war without religion. the problem is not the religion but the people who dont want to have religion. To speak about terror in this case is really stupid, coz no one religion says to kill people who dont believe. But for unreligious people there is no hopeness after their life - who cares then about friedom, u will die anyway forever...
Christians in it's beginnings killed thousand and thousands of those who refused to accept the only one and true religion - christianity. Why?

Nowdays it's Islam (if I'm right) that allows to kill those who are against islamic religion or belong to any other form of religion than Islam itself ...

Also, nowdays we fight not for religion (except the so many times everywhere mentioned islamic extremists) but against "terrorism" which appears everywhere where's oil. Several hundred years it was another form - people fought for "religion" whereever was any other strategically and economically useful lands, sea ports etc., etc. After oppressing pagans and other non-christians, "good guys" christians forced to pay 1/10 from all income to church (which eventually came in only few peple hands) and absolute power to church and some form of power to crusaders. That also now happens there where's terrorism - the only right ones and the power holders are those who brings "democracy and justice" in places where such forms never existed and probably will never work. Those "peacekeepers" are allowed to kill anyone which they find "a threat to their lifes", even if it's a children.

I'm pretty sure, that when the oil will end, there will be yet another new reason to fight against.
Christians in it's beginnings killed thousand and thousands of those who refused to accept the only one and true religion - christianity. Why?

this point say many people, but: this were NOT Christian, but people who called themselves christian. Real christian live like Jesus did it: to help people, do good things...

Nowdays it's Islam (if I'm right) that allows to kill those who are against islamic religion or belong to any other form of religion than Islam itself ...

No, Islam says to kill people who were IN Islam and then left them. Anyways, even is Islam is bad, nobody has to say the same about christianity. Fakt is, many people go from Islam to christianity because this is a believeness at a god of love.

"terrorism" which appears everywhere where's

There are everywhere fanatics, not only in islam, and not in only in any religion.

christians forced to pay 1/10 from all income to church (which eventually came in only few peple hands)

its a lie. God sayd to give 1/10 for church, from where money gets to people who need this money. I belongs to one of this chirch and i know what they do with my money. Many churches get built on the whole earth: afrika, ost, south amerika. People get food and medication.

the only right ones and the power holders are those who brings "democracy and justice" in places where such forms never existed and probably will never work. Those "peacekeepers" are allowed to kill anyone which they find "a threat to their lifes", even if it's a children.

ye, this is a truth, but u dont have to generalise it. For example, u have to differ between catholics, mormons, evangelics... U have to differ between every institution within evangelics... I guess u to look videos of Walter Veith who speaks about politics, "new world", Jesuits...
He was talking about the middle ages , people had to pay 1/3 to the Lord and 1/10 to the Church ...

And the church just stuffed theirselfs

Excuse me ?

Never heard of the crusades ?

They were prosecuted by an emperor (hence approved by the pope -> approved by the Church)
Erm , you're wrong tbh , there are loads of non-believers ... and if they didn't feel like living then they'd kill theirselfs which they don't since they are there , meaning they're alive

Love for a country and love for freedom are not necessarily tied to religion

Religion has fiddled with national affairs for far too long , which has created delusions ...
i dont get ur point. See comments above.
thought polaks were a deeply religious people compared to most western european countries
Religion is still needed, even in todays world. At times of death people take comfort in it. In a lot of parts of the world it inspires people or gives them faith in hard times. If religion is kept a private issue, it will not cause conflict.

Sadly enough people build institutions around religions which in turn build up a powerbase. Power corrupts people no matter how good their intentions are and you end up with a pope claiming condoms are a bad thing for africa or militant islam.
my god is loekino is gtfo world without loekino sux!!!11!
that´s called religion?!

image: 2a59b084a355
That's called a Suicide Army. Women can't aim!
it's men in drag :p
nice way to get ur homeworkZ done
poor people who think we had no war without religion. the problem is not the religion but the people who dont want to have religion. To speak about terror in this case is really stupid, coz no one religion says to kill people who dont believe. But for unreligious people there is no hopeness after their life - who cares then about friedom, u will die anyway forever...
Without religion, mankind would find something else to start a war upon. We would be better off with religion, because of what evan said and also, besides having fanatics, religion also offer people hope and belief in mankind itself.
Without religion this world would be in total chaos. seeing that 70% of the world has a religion or believes in a god w/e and that's the only thing they have hope in or can hold onto. Besides there is always somebody who believes there is a divine power so this Journal is bullshit.A World without a Religion will never excist.
Yes, atheism kills moral compasses.
there wouldnt be & have been less war and terror
True ,though a lot of wars the motive was simply power , but they used religion as an excuse (so that the Church wouldn't do anything against it)
thats just the way it is in nearly any other european country
too much money involved for a species such as ourselves to drop it.
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