Some1 from UK...

... help me with my homework! I wrote an argumentative text: 'Does a Just War exist'
It would be nice if you could check the text on grammaticals errors and structure.
Contact me on crossfire or #zero.e /q zeroE`Flashy
Thx in advance!
does a "just war" exist or does a war just exist?

Doesnt make much sence unless this joint has gone to my head :(
Just - Justified/fair.
You are the one that doesn't make much sence, really.
just say: No war can never be justified... done!! :D
liar :< 6on6 (low vs low) is more than fair :<
haha what a bullshit topic

would just hand that back with one word: No.
if it means "is there such a thing as a just war ?"

then the answer is ye: lets say aliens started to invade and pwn us. id say thats "just" to go to war with em.

in humanity then in this day and age there shouldnt be a reason for war, so no :)
i totally agree with you, we cant have little aliens walking around getting headshots on random ppl... WAR!
It wouldn't be a just war in general, as the aliens would have no real reason to attack us in the first place.
Mabye hunderds of them are dying because our C02 problems !
If we speak of aliens being extraterrestrial, our CO2 problem wouldn't affect them as they would be, as their extraterrestrial nature implies, not inhabitant in our atmosphere, hence would not be affected by our pollution.
Who says alien need to live outta space? Mabye are aliens little microscopic creatures who will be enlarged thanks to the C02 problems. Ever thought about that? did you?
My argument was directed at the assumption that aliens are extraterrestrial as you wouldn't call earth-dwelling creatures "aliens" I suppose.
Ants are aliens so i would
In what way are they aliens :D
Comeone dont ignore the facts mate, you already know in WHICH WAY THEY ARE ALIENS SO JUST ADMIT IT PAL
Tbh I don't want information about it, I just want someone who wants to correct my text :o)
yes it ET

write about et
A war can be justified but not by all sides and then only on a rare occasion
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