free file uploads

was about to download all these latest bust clips cuz i seem to be late with it, and guess what, either download limit reached or i have to wait for 400+ seconds.

pls stop using sites such as rapidshare, megaupload and *-share

use - no wait times, no premium accounts, nothing, just *works*


on the other hand, i need help with photoshop - have to edit 30 faces and get something like this: - anyone who can explain me step by step how to do it? /q chaplja on irc
id like some of my pics that way aswell:p
i've got to make a fuckin FONT out of 30 faces, but have no idea where to start
wow.. gl with that :o
i've already done a font out of my own handwriting scanned, it's no problem now, but i have to get the faces edited first =.="
or that, if it doesn't have wait times. i always use filebin, never had problems with it
own ftp > *
QuoteMust be less than 50 megabytes.
Here you go.

E: Make image black and white
Play with levels to make dark fields black and bright fields white
Use cutout (if it was that, don't quite remember) to level out too detailed corners.
Must be less than 50 megabytes. - last 4 cheat-related clips posted here which i tried to download were all smaller than 50 mb
I don't download cheatbust clips to start with.
in that case i didn't post the link for you :/ i've clearly mentioned it would be a good idea to uploaad cheatbust clips to that site, i don't think whoever is about to do that will have problems with 50mb limit.

p.s. tnx for the photoshop tip, will try
Let me know if you managed to do it. You might need to cut out the background though, if it's dark.
care to copypaste the tip to me?
Make image black and white
Play with levels to make dark fields black and bright fields white
Use cutout (if it was that, don't quite remember) to level out too detailed corners.
are you sure it works well? try to upload some cheat
give me your no-browser-quakelive-start.exe and i will tell you the secretz !
i dunno some1 told me you can play QuakeLive without a browser :I my loosy notebook would be happy if i could shutdown firefox :p
it's nothing userfriendly, it wouldn't help you unless you know the IP you need to connect to every time
the ip isnt the problem :p
i'd like to have this to please :)
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