About Call of Duty 5...

Just downloaded, installed (all hail to RELOADED realeses) and played for 1 hour.
The game is just absolutely brilliant, Treyarch did great work again (as usual).
Its a so catching game, i dont wanna be addicted, but have to admit it seems
easier than I ve ever thought.

+ banzai attacks xDD
+ hiding yellows everywhere at the battlefield xDDD
+ flamethrower never was such a great fun like now xDDDDDD
(oh dear, so fucking realistic and destructible)

- again seems too easy (i m not at the end, i hope there will be harder parts),
just cod4 was.
- 30-40 fps (at cod4 i got 40-50 lol)
(anyway good to see some developers are not wanting to make me buy new computer
and still fantastic graphics and visuals)

My rating: 9.5/10

and the best is, just 5 days till FM2009 release... lol.
+ netcoder's epic cheats got detected after some minutes
i will never play any multiplayer game, too addictive. so it doesnt matter to me.
Actually it was a public cheat that we released and yes that one got detected pretty fast, but since we thought hey today's a happy day, we just released version 1.2 a day later and they didnt detect that one yet :)

But hey, we're going to release the full version in a few days so none cares anyway.
hello migrosbudget.
Hi darling

I left you a little gift at your yawn profile <3
I hope you dont mind if I use your profile for future hack announcements & updates?
which profile?
what happens if i ban you for supporting cheats faggot

wont be funny anymore wont it
I must have really pissed you off by doing that =D
you are just a script kiddie who is showing off around with something you have no idea about.

+ tnx for approving my column about you.

don't worry, nC is going down after i publish the list and other illegal things you do.
sounds good, go for it.
is it fun accessing your customers pc?

i pity your poor customers mostly.
btw, why did you create a CB account? :D
dunno guess that was somewhen in march when I wanted to have some fun and see if CB bans me or not, and they didnt :( I even got a 1on1 challenge ^^

But no serious reasons, Im not really playing online anymore, just sp and education :)
why did you have to join nC and ban my nC account, i didn't even care to use a proxy on 75% of them since nowone from nC cared LoL.
well I just came back to nC few days ago but was used to ban crossfire guys so it wasnt anything personal, was just some kind of a reflex. sorry :(

Please dont be mad at me honey.
you stayed reading my pms? :<
I like sniffin around suspicious users pms :x But I'd have never thought that you like to flirt with 74 year old women, almost had to puke when I read that
74 Year olds? WAT? WHO LOL
how did he find out i was talking to you? :/
in what way am i supporting cheats? :D
im gonna guess... you lose your admin? :p
you know cb rules can be bent quite easily.


"Falsifying evidence is punishable with a 6 months ban."

mbudget is breaking that rule.

now add "Offending a ClanBase admin in course of his/her official duties." + "Promoting cheats or contributing to their spread."

j/k :D
so, if mbudget is breaking those rules, why should vktr get banned?
colon ex dee
Supporting the evil side is always more tempting :o

Wait, why dont they support you then :x
i have a soft spot
I agree, great game. You probably have worse FPS because they added some new things to the game, such as (limited) destructible environments, water physics, improved ragdolls, dynamic grass, more advanced lightning.

Made by a lot of the guys who worked on the Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player btw ;)
as an ex-et player i have to admit rtcw singleplayer is not even in my top30 games.
its just never caught me. good but nothing more.
says nothing, rtcw sp sucked :P
but cod's SP were always a huge success (UO,2,4,5)
yep, im lovin it :p hopefully when i get intouch with i7 & dual 8800 ill touch the cod5 too :O
dident download full version, waiting for 14 to buy it
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