Was actually, everyone vs hentai! :D
and somehow I think hentai's side still had an overall higher IQ
yeah ur intellectual is amazing, i wish i could be you! no jok3
god, you have no idea how retard you just made yourself sound

and if you don't get the hint, gtfo!
yeah, he really made himself look so retarded man!!!
viax i'm not being funny, but your as weird and retarded as the rest of you battalion guys, ur fucking freaks
actually, i'm relatively normal and quite intelligent. not as arrogant as meez though!

but really, you are retarded. i hope you realise that, otherwise you're fucked :(
lol @ lynxeh

"i mean, the last time i saw meez, he was playing for some nub clan, BDF, i mean, whats that about"

quoted for truth :>

in fact, you get really badly slated the whole way through that dont you meez....
<3 pot there has been far better stuff gone off on goons comms before but never recorded. + i still think the one where you made adacore cry was better :)

Say hi to fatnose, b12 and fat bald twat
I've missed you!
you better have....
hahahahaha hentai sounds like he's cracking up :X
pot is a legend :D
lol that whole thing was humerous
lol at 9:40 xD
english english is fucking hard 2 understand

Just a load of fuckin chavs tbh

*not listened to*
it'd be much more interesting if it was about the american election tho right -.-
I've heard worse:)

I understood everything said in that bit.
lozzle hentai D:
skydeh is a legend mmmmeight
send him a blue peter badge D:
Damn that english. That waki talks more japanese then english 0_o. The only one I could understand was hentai.
Nothing compared to Bigbeats vent.
fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking
fucking classic!
Fucking epic :D
<o/ go pot go
Thought he was a bit of a dick until he "asked his missus if he could try out for team uk"

That was hilarious.
i agree skydeh should go suck his dog off

and malus > *

PoT u legend!!
cant believe he's actually asking the 'missus' for permission to tryout for uk :-D

did pot actually ask waki whether skydeh sucked his dog off? :P or does the accent make the word dick sound like dog? because in case he sucked his dog off i dont necessarily think he will be very impressed with im :D
hentai sounds like a fucking nerd ;D
Wouldn't be wrong would it!
cf whine @ ovie
The UK community in all its glory.
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