Fallout 3 my opinion

When the developers said "oblivion with guns" i thought the dialogs would be like yes/no or that we would just play a stupid mute like the guy in GTA3, but they've outdone themselves. For the most part i find the conversations on the same level as in previous Fallout games (except for the fact that there are maybe 3 different voice actors for the not so important NPCs, and every other dude looks the same with different hair - maybe they all came out one vault after all). What i find interesting that not only speech affects how well you converse. They kinda messed up the whole cursing idea, so you have regular saying fuck where there is really no need for it, while i dont remember a single raider or a talon merc curse once.

So i think the oblivion with guns statement is underrating this game. I find the combat better (altho enemy and friendly AI seems like from games 10 years ago) and the most important it has more depth, at least in side quests, i've yet to finish all the main quests. The dialogs are great and make it possible to play a diplomatic character (not the just the shotgun diplomacy), and what you say actually matters to future developments.

Two of the many funny dialogs:
image: screenshot0
image: screenshot1

One thing they didnt take from oblivion is the npc disposition which could be a great factor when using the speech skill or barter. Also i would prefer the karma to be displayed as a number like it was in F1 and 2. Another thing that sticks in my craw is that there is no sprint. Makes it kinda hard to fight +back snipers who start shooting at you at the other side of the town. They could make it so that you could sprint using action points, and that you could move around while in vats mode. This way action points would have a meaning. This way the vats is just a candy feature like the bullet time in Max Payne games. Also i noticed that you cant aim for body parts while unarmed, or knock out enemies (not sure what a crippled head or torso is though) making it impossible to make a quick punching machine that knocks everyone in room out before they even get the chance to react and takes things from then, like you could in previous games. Also there is no more blinding the enemies, but i do like that you can shoot their weapons away. I love the hit detection system and the body puppets, its what every shooter should look like, not like these CoD or MoH or even Far Cry 2 with their clouds of blood and indestructible bodies which dont even get a mark where they get hit. One thing that would make it better would be npcs surviving a loss of a limb, but i guess that would be another thing the publisher wouldnt like too much. Like the absence of child slaughter. But in previous games that was just to make a point that you are absolutely free.

Which brings me to another weak point of f3. You cant kill certain NPCs. They should've worked around this limitation. This i believe is a result of their linear main quest line, which kinda sucks. In previous games you knew right away what you need to do, and choose how you're going to do it. Here you dont really know what you'll have to do in the end and to find that out you need to follow a bunch of chain quests with tons of scripted events and immortal npcs. Makes all the other good stuff in this game feel like an extra, or in turn makes the whole main quest feel like an extra to the fun stuff happening in the wasteland. Also another weak point are the invisible walls. I remember boosting jump and speed skills to the max in oblivion, which was pretty cool since you could climb over almost everything and not worry about following a path, in f3 you need to go everywhere like the game wants you to go, which is especially annoying in DC, where climbing over the ruins would be the best way to travel, but why bother going over the rubble when the half collapsed ghoul infested metro tunnels are a much more logical solution. Also another thing about ghouls. They are supposed to be humans turned slow, weak and reasonably stupid by all the radiation, not some agile super strong beasts lurking in the underworld.

Another thing that creates the feeling of being in a closed box is the leveling system. The level limit makes you feel like an idiot to do a side quest after reaching lvl 20. Also the 100 skill limit makes character specialization pretty hard, considering that even at skill 100 you're not really awesome in that profession. Also you need to plan for the future with the bobble heads, books and clothing bonuses. The perks are mostly useless while before there were too many good ones.


Good game, doesn't have all the freedom of the previous games but retains the gore, humor and part of the atmosphere. Definitely better than what i pictured as "oblivion with guns", better than i expected. Could be a lot better but i'd say its good enough to be called Fallout 3.

Hopefully in Fallout 4 they will change some of the stuff i whined about, and that it goes back to the west or that it connects both sides.

Yeah and Three Dog is the best character ever :)
This is Three Dawg, auuuuuuuuuuu!

I agree with a lot of what you wrote down, there are a shitload of flaws in the game. But it's still quite enjoyable to play.

The only thing I really dislike are the graphics: the game looks like shit. Literally. Brown and gray, nothing else. I know it's post-apocalyptic and such, but the color palette feels totally uncreative.
I found humor and overall game atmosphere very disappointing, it just didn't felt like Fallout.

Recently I started to play Planescape: Torment, while it's a fantasy world it still contains alike humor I so much enjoyed in Fallout 2. Thought both games are developed by same team, so it's to be expected.

But I guess, tastes differ. lol.
There are same directors yes, not same team, no
The lead designer of previous fallout games is working on Diablo 3 so its not a complete loss.
Well i found quite a few good dialogs. Like when that guy at citadel tells you about how horrible this Scourge place was and you reply "Scourge seems like a nice place. You should go back there." Or when you continue to say nothing to that guy who is hiding his real name and also doesnt say anything back, then after a few times he says "I'm glad we agree." There is a ton of stuff like that in Fallout 3, but true it doesnt quite reach the glory of fo1 and 2 (some of the quotes in one of my previous journals).

I only hoped they had took more from previous fallout games, and i'm sure the original developers wouldnt mind since they took the whole theme from the Mad Max movies, not to mention all the pop culture references.

Also one thing this game is missing is a town like New Reno from fallout 2. A place with tons of unique characters, lots of activity and ways to get famous. Would be cool to hear 3dog talk about your character doing porn movies or winning a boxing title.
And the fact that u dont feel like making an impact to the world, like gaining a favor to some respected author or so. Ure just some random dweller.
I will wait for CS, and play it with lot of mod's, like I did with oblivion, it made game much more enjoyable and less console ayds.
Agree with most of what u said, but the way they constructed it didnt really bother me. Boosting jump and jumping 10feet in the air all the time like in oblivion would be kinda silly

Biggest flaws imo are that u have no reason to wear cool clothes, limited amount of enemy types and what u said about skills not being awesome and useless perks. And the fact that its so easy to survive. I could take a 1hour swim in radiated water without having to worry about it. So it made it kinda pointless that they added radiation points to food n water.

still a great game, but it could have been so much better

well 2long2read
Three Dog was getting on my nerves so i popped him in the head

I wish it was actually more like Oblivion in some parts. One flaw is that you aren't able to continue playing your character after you solved the main quest. The ending worked fine in FO 1 and 2 but this is 2008. Then the level cap need to be removed or at least raised. I'm only in the 3rd part of the main quest and already at level 16, with still soooo many things to discover.
I think the karma system works quite nice and urges you to play the game again in a different way. In Oblivion you could join the fighters guild, mages guild and dark brotherhood no matter how good or evil your character was.

I hope Bethesda will release the SDK soon so we will have even more fun.
And a real patch would be nice as the game at its current state is even more bugged than Oblivion.
To much too read
was way 2 mutch useless running so i dropped the game -.-
2 mutch walking imo
hoi :D need support @ surgery
sticky imo
ugly grapics
Maybe after this journal ill rent it! maybe! :P
i wanna buy a new pc now when i have money to run this babe, seems to be my kind of game :)
<3 Megatone
small, but great "city" :)
Quotenot sure what a crippled head or torso is though

I dont know about the torso, but I think the head target has the same sort of effect as a shot to the eyes in Fallout with the enemies accuracy dropping.

+ It was better than I was expecting thats for sure, there are alot of locations to discover and explore, and it does have alot of freedom apart from in the built up DC area.

+ At 1st I felt it didnt have much of the old Fallout feel, but the more I've played it, the more I have noticed little things that remind me that this belongs in the same category for me as Fallout 1/2.

+ I like the idea that you can scavenge various junk to make new weapons.

+ Lots and lots of side quests and characters to meet to keep you entertained.

+ I actually liked the artwork, for such a large environment the graphics are not bad at all. Apart from the retro 1950s appearance of things it isnt that original, its realistic, but the artists used some simple yet neat effects and techniques in certain places that makes it look quite nice.

+ Lockpicking is sooooo much better now, gone are the days of clicking the god damned lockpick skill over and over and over and over and over.....

- I don't really like the strength/levelling of the NPCs. For instance the 1st time I encountered a Super Mutant I hid, as I didnt have good armour and I'm playing on the hardest setting. I expected to get slaughtered with visions of my limbs being blasted off like in the 1st two games, instead when I stopped being a bitch I found it to be an easy fight to win.

- Although it was probably necessary to stop it from being banned the lack of ability to kill children really stood out to me. I'm playing as a good character so I dont want to harm them, but at one place there are only child residents, and you have got that little brat on the gate not letting you in; I really cant imagine a totally evil character taking that crap and doing as the kid says.

- The level 20 and skill 100 caps suck ass.

- I prefer the old trading interface, and traders should get more bottlecaps replenished.

- They should have used more voice actors and more unique character appearances, the people are like clones.

- Its crap that completing the main storyline ends the game, so I had to load a savegame made before completing it in order to continue exploring, and I found the writing a bit WTF? at some points, it wasnt anything special.

- A few little glitches, for instance sometimes the way NPCs move is stupid, worse than a polak on a 56k modem and sometimes the game lags like hell with lots of processing going on that doesnt need to be, maybe a patch will sort them out.

- NPCs blocking doorways, pushing them out of the way takes far too long.

Overall the positives far outweigh the negatives, I really like the game so far and I've still got plenty more to explore. I wish that the main story was longer and more intelligently written but there is loads of other stuff that make up for it.
i heard its fun for about 5 minutes like oblivion
exactly what I felt : /
The thing I found most annoying was the fact that every fucking location on the map that u discovered contained only some random old buiding full of useless stuff and big bunch of people/robots/mutants to kill. I myself didn't really feel the reward after hours of killing random robots with 20 energy weapons and then gain only a small xp reward from the killing while wasting tons of ammo and stimpaks which cost like gazillion.

My 5 cents:

- Better rewarding system: Clear xp rewards, enough money to cover the expenses, not so quickly breaking weapons

- Less random running

- The sense that ure the best, which I didn't really feel as being a total looser from start to end. As in the parts where some random Super Mutant shoots u from mile away and every third bullet hits and makes awfully much damage, where in F2 in the end game u were a mean fucking killing machine making gore kills and not even giving enemy time to react on ur super human skills (not including enclave who in F2 werent a fucking joke like in F3).


All-in-all better game that I expected after the shock @ start, but the mysticism that F2 had just wasnt there. I totally wouldve wished that Bioware wouldve gotten the license, but oh well. It was great game with nice experiences and enough good things to be called as F3, but it had nowhere near the magic that the first two parts had when I played them the first time. (and no, F1 and F2 werent the first games I played so the "magical" retro fucking feeling like Marios had isnt there)
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