Red alert 3 > red alert 2 ??

hi again peeps wanna know who plays red alert 3 over here and what you think about it you thonk its better then the previous C&C games i personally find the graphic way better but the gameplay kinda got more boring liked RA2 much better as it had YURI :)
I'm going to judge RA3 on the beta.. IT'S SHIT AND I GET SPAWNKILLED BY DOGS AND BEARS. RA2 > all
you do know that the WASD keys on your keyboard are for movement, correct?
Red alert > all
RA2:Yuris Revenge was the best one so far.
nothing beats RA2, haven't played yuri's revenge to, going to this week!
that might be my fav part of the movie haha so brutal :D also when he jumps on the MG and shoots the guy with it at point blank haha can't wait for rambo 5 :D
The chicks in RA3 > the chicks in RA2 :)
Jenny McCarthy olol
yes yes she's pretty hot my fav is the russian brunette chick thouhg <3
cant get the crack to work :<
stop trying to put it up your nose!
sux rly i played it 5 mins and that was enough ...
2 > 3, although 3 is getting better everytime I play it
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