crossfire helps me at school


ive noticed it since nearly 1-2 years

my english is getting better and better because of ET + crossfire

im one of the best in my class and i can understand most of the sentence without problems...
imo its something like learning at home english ^^....because of reading + reminding

Do you have the same experiences?

Have Crossfire and ET helped you with your englishskills ?
no, still dont know all words
english vocabulary has to many words to know them all anyway :p
It's been proven that no one on the entire world knows all the words listed in the English Vocabulary list ;)
yeah helps learning the engrish :> so glad of it
Does Crossfire and ET helped you with your englishskills ?

i'd keep reading
has crossfire helped

have crossfire and et helped


Does crossfire help you with your english skills?
Do crossfire and ET help you...
has playing with awesome russian guys helped you to learn some new words & to get new friends?
privyet pizda!
agree with comment above


same, im also one of the best and i just enjoy reading and talking it <3
favourite subject :d
my cf skills arent enough for my english lk :c
Only for a small bit I guess, my English skills were good enough too before that. It merely perfected it for a bit
*Only a small bit ("for" is unnecessary)
*good enough before that ("too" is unnecessary)
*perfected them for a bit (refering to skills plural, so "them", not "it")
The first 2 are mistakes I make in dutch as well, so np!
wtf? Seriously?
Two of those weren't even mistakes so I don't know why Adacore is saying that.
"*perfected them for a bit"

Isn't that "for" unnecessary as well? :P

I would say "improved them a bit" rather than use the word "perfected", which clearly isn't the case. :)
Could well be, yes. Depends if a time element is implied, but I think you're probably right.
Yeah I went to school and said first, gtfo, old.
wath teh fcuk aer yuo syanig ?
My Polish increases!
I would say for those using english as a second language, unless you live in a country with very good english tuition (such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Scandinavia), it's likely to be extremely beneficial to be exposed to english in a context you find interesting and involving. Even in the cases where english knowledge is good, it can help a lot with colloquial english which is often not well covered and, even if it is, not completely current.
such as Germany?
Probably depends on the school. The people I know from Germany all have perfect english.
Edited for you! <3
denmark is part of scandinavia
Dammit. I can never remember if it's Finland or Denmark that's not included - it's Finland.
your wrong ! Scandinavia - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden
those countries wich i mentioned are all part of scandinavia.

google says so ! :c
Strict definition: Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Broad definition: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and maybe Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
and maybe Greenland? Greenland & the Faroe Islands are all a part of Denmark.
They're self-governing provinces of Denmark. Their legal status is largely irrelevant to the debate though - we're talking about Scandinavia as a region - I wouldn't claim the Falkland Islands were part of the British Isles.
As is Aland an autonomus part of Finland.
Scandinavia should have Finland included, because it's the set of clangers that make Sweden and Norway look like a penis.
I was using Scandinavia as a term to refer to its constituent countries, but you're right it's probably not completely correct usage. The sentence would be clumsier if I'd said "and those in Scandinavia" though.
:hint: malta :hint:

fag :D
It can help, but I s'pose it can hinder aswell as you're likely to pick up loads of bad habits as the grammar and spelling here is far from perfect!
Only read my comments and you'll be fine! :D
or Nellie's if you fancy being an authentic northerner :P
understanding and listening yes, my grammatical skills are getting worse and worse tho
yep :D
it s easy :)
no, crossfire engrish is mostly incorrect.
just ruins it.
everyone does :P allways had english 10 on school since fourth grade, maybe cos of playing etc. :P
*in school (not "on")
:DDDDDDDD i didnt focus on it at all
crossfire totally fucked up my english..
Contrary to most people here, going to Crossfire has no beneficial effect on my English at all.
Aww.. You were trying so hard to get someone to notice you, but it failed. That's not very nice. Here's a pity reply. <3
Pitty reply in your face, I need not such a thing. I commented, and I could care less if anyone replies or not.
Too bad Crossfire isn't beneficial to your English skill. Too bad pitty isn't a word either.
Way to comment on one wrong word. Asshole.
my english skills were ok before crossfire :(
only helped my ingrish skillsss
My English actually got worse... especially grammar and phrasing :/
No.. i still suck at it..
No, it did not, talking with retards here is not the way to learn some new English words.
The vast majority of crossfire users are reasonably well educated (at least in English). Whether they choose to use good English all the time or not is a different matter. For someone with little knowledge of English I think it's a very good way to learn - although you obviously need prior knowledge of at least some of the basics in order to get anything worthwhile out of it.
Yes, most users could possibly write proper English, but most users aren't willing to do so. Crossfire is, atleast not for me, not a place where you can learn decent English. This is just another site where English is the primary language. I do agree with you that you could get some insight in the English language. Nothing more nothing less.
I bet you take care to write very proper english in this thread :D
I take care to write proper English in every thread. It's not that hard, though, I'm quite good at English ;)
United KingdomYou should be I reckon :P
the United Kingdom flag doesn't say the first thing about whether someone's english is any good on this website i'm afraid :P as a matter of fact ada is one of the rare brit's who form a proper example if ur trying to actually learn to speak/write english decently =P
Reminds of a journal in which, I think Puu it was, asked whether to use "to fail epicly" in a school test was wrong.
It can't hurt being exposed to English everyday… 'specially if you’re reading news ‘n articles (not just ET things) & it’s engaging. Just steer clear of the native English, our schools aren’t so good :(
no thy mke me spk lke dis cuz if u speek nrml u is n00ob
no, because all just say gtfo, lol noob, :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and u suck
Of course
I think the most important thing is that crossfire forces you to talk english and thus remove your fear to speak a foreign language.

After my Africa period i'm not afraid of any language, i stutter out the few words i know.. So ironically my GERMAN skills became better :D
I can't see any of your progress, though.
me learn a lot of engrish when me palys with polaks :P
me was no serious sory :(
never learned english and at this year im one of the best.
today the english teacher asked me if im from usa..
told her, lol stfu, im pro cause i read crossfire! lowb
cf has helped you develop your skill from low-

to low---

same 4 me :D best in english x]

thx et,cF :D
My english is better than a few years ago, but crossfire has nothing to do with it. I can write everything in here and noone will correct me, so how could it help?

On the other hand, I don't really care if my crossfire's-english is correct.
Just the fact that it encourages you to read news/articles/journals in English would probably have helped some.
You are right, reading is a good training, but I think Razzah was thinking about comments too, imo they don't help so much.
*Volunteers to create the spelling & grammar police*
was the same for me.
For countries like Sweden or Belgium where everyone is exposed to English in movies, news, etc... xfire don't help that much . For countries like France (dubbing movies etc...) it can be very beneficial to read xfire or other English sites.

I actually have no problems with English anymore but I really don't know in how far xfire helped with this. English sites yes, but xfire specifically? No, I don't think so.

And no Adacore, you don't have to correct my comment.
Oh yes, let's make one together!! Nobody can match your french skills!!

till i say to my teacher noob and he understand it Oo wtf
Same here 8)
I only learn engrish here tbh.
yes i've learned this @ cf :)
i learned that every night :>
??? lul....
lul watafak
Yes, I've learned various greetings/words in all sorts of GermanyPolandPortugalFranceBulgariaIceland languages
is that supposed to be portuguese?
if so, it's just nonsense xD because those are portuguese words also
it's a word to insult somebody in dutch :D
it's something from where i live :D
few vocabs, yes
I remember snoop saying some time ago that nearly all of his knowledge of the english language was learnt on ventrilo which is quite impressive.
i think your english has to be very bad indeed if you want to learn anything from this website when it comes to english. also, i would be weary to copy any english from here as well as even a lot of the native english speakers make many grammar and spelling mistakes
i got an feeling for language because of crossfire tbh

before it was just like learning vocabulars but now everything makes more sense ^^
Maybe because you are older and studied English for a longer period now. Or maybe because u visit other English sites as well (+ movies etc...). Don't tell me its only because of xfire oO.
this is 95% my only english website, which im using tbh

others are all german :>
Although im no longer in school:p
As with all things if you use it alot, youll get better at it. (exceptions made)
I dont believe my written english has had a use boost though. If anything my perfect writing has decreased.
But having spend lots of time on comms with people from the UK has definetly improved my understanding of the spoken english. I remember my early days on the interwebs listening to a Scot. They didnt let you hear sounds like that in school. It couldve been any language for me. I do far better with accents now.
i have to say it really helped me alot too, i got a feeling for the language and learned how to use it
but that's the result of about 3 years of crossfire browsing and it was worth it
thank you crossfire at this place

now i need the same for español :D
yeah it does help people who use english as a second language. exposure to english will always help. Eirik's english for example improved dramatically in writing and verbally when i was in playdeadpeople an etpub clan with him. Although a lot of typing is abbreviated so grammatically it probably does not help a lot of people who use english as a secondary and even primary english.
it helped me

not with my english skills though
it helped my pronunciation, dunno bout gramma- i think it get worse due spreading aids @ journals, sad but true
Crossfire helped me understand how retarded some people can be.

I've learned my english by reading news posts/interviews and so on.
not really, i have to read papers in english almost everyday and that surely help me a lot, but it doesn't mean i can write a spotless/errorless english
Quoteimo its something like learning at home english ^^....because of reading + reminding

"ok" xD
what you talk?
lol learn german first turkish guy
jey a little bit
As most of the people posting here are not native english speakers, we also learn a lot of mistakes.
But there are fails :o
yep, my french is plain shit though
It helped me improve my English, yes.
Although that I always was and still am one of the best in my class..
But yeah, I learn new words every day!
when ur on comms with people from other countries and you talk engrish it imporves but not vocab
Hauptschule 7te Klasse oder wie??

in what class you are?
i am the best in my class :D
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