Gears of War 2

Anyone got it yet?

Ordered it today, is arriving tomorrow. £35 on Amazon! Can't wait. First was awesome, hopefully second lives up to the hype and improves on the original.
not as good as gow 1, but still a great game.

the end sucks tho
only for xbox360 or again a fail-version for pc?
played it on xbox
i played the first part on pc and the menu and profils especially save-game was really shit, they had the same xbox menu but it doesn't worked omg i really hated it but couldn't stop playing because the game roXx
Dies in the end
Will buy either that or CoD5, depending on which one most of my mates get.
You have no honour
You have dishonored your family.
When will zeh banners be done?11
Both disappointed me :( i'll just stick to fable 2 for now :p
Some would say Fable 2 is only half the game that fable 1 was :(
Yeah it is but it keeps me busy at on of those rainy dutch days :p i also have dead space lying here maybe i should finish that first :p
Oh damn, didnt even notice it was raining :<
lol I bought it and its crashing my 360(needs better cooling i guess :/), but good game, played it with system link feature with 4 friends in a house, in horde mode was epic XD
haha, i downloaded it, and it works perfectly!
lucky, i'll give it a try this week, havent played it much, but my game worked perfectly with my friend's 360 :P, if not ill call ms freking console broken
I have to finish GoW first, will be done this/next month.
got it, completed it, its sick

loads better than gow1, got more "epic" moments
i dont like gow
Horde is fucking class
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