blue screen of death?

everytime i try to play ET, about 5-10 mins then my comp crash

got this blue screen, which it says smt about memory test and OS had to stop coz "PnkBstrK.sts" file , dunno why but its start to be annoing.........

im sure its not about my comp, i have played 2-3 months with same settings and all....
tryed reinstall but didnt help.

and yes i have vista! if its smt do with it, but i wont install xp
need help-.-

e:almost forget, its happen only servers were have pb, ETTV servers works fine but...

e2: still, i done all what previous users said but still dont work
update pb?
tryed :x but its keep failing
overclocked cpu?
im pretty sure it isnt that, coz my bro have same prob
check GaRg's comment, if your bro has the same prob and you live in same house :p
we live different house, but gonna try GaRg's idea:P
trojan maybe? Do a complete virus scan with the program of your choice and i bet you wont have that prob anymore
is it just vista users that suffer from this?
could be, my bro have vista, too and i have heard many other ppl had/have same prob
ive had that too and i have xp
so how u fixed it?
i didnt fix it, it just happens
I'd probably break down and cry.
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
This duet seems to be going backwards.
I don't pick up a mic without Izzy behind me.
have done it few times already, and failed but now it says all updates have been downloaded:o gonna try ty
I got it once yesterday, updated & no probs since. Are you using the new update, they've changed it a bit.
Ok, tryed update few days ago:P
its a pb problem, appeared with 4.nov update. quite a few people have it and they aren't fixing it. I get bsod after 2 min, so i can't play at all, thx pb.
yeah, i remember some1 made journal about it few days ago
delet pnkbstrK.sys and problem solved
yes, i have done it few times and its just keep coming back+still some chrashes
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