For all bored peeps around here...'s a nice flash game for you. It's pretty easy(fuck how to do lvl19? :S GOT IT LOLZ) but quite amusing actually:

Factory Balls 2 - didn't play the first one and I don't think I want to but this one's pretty nice.

random pic:
image: 70077

i dont get it 0(
drag the ball to the circle with an object inside to get the same kinda ball that is showed below - ezbash imo
ye quite intresting but bored me after a few levels...
go further, it's actually getting harder, i had to recycle it a few times already :P
quite possibly the shittest game ive played on the internet
Never tried QW ?
u got a point tbh
stuck on lvl 19 also lols
u suck ;((
izi for me :)
did 19 ;D
finished it
nah, leaving in a sec :/ will be back around 23:30 gmt+1 fancy a mix then? :D
it's pretty easy tbh..
30 was easy in comparison to 29, i r disappointed!
23 hmm :p

EDIT: 29 and got bored :)
anyone can help @ 19 ? :D
If I remember correctly it's the one where you have to put flowers in the upper part of the ball?

If so there is a hint: if you water the flowers more than 3 times they disappear, hence you can use the cap to disappear the lower part of the flowers and the upper part will stay safe under the cap <o/
Yep, got it now :p

but i'm stuck @ lvl 29 now D:
30 was too easy
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