goooood morning crossfire

my best most epic friend ( Sirrush on cf ) is @ the intensive care right now for another 2 days.
for those who dont know, he has scolioses and was operated yesterday which took 8 hours.

so leave him some more nice pm's and stuff.

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and yesterday i meet james or exclusive, killerboy and toxic probably know him since he is from malta and malta is only like 30 km across. anywayz hes a really cool guy and we had a few beers and smoked some weed ( this was my attempt to sound cool, actually i dont go outside )
journal news
be nice and go to the hospital with some fruit and flowers!

james took you in the but?
cant you newb ill visit him when hes out intensive care
lol exclusive is still alive?
he doesnt play anymore and hes in NL right now
yeah i guess ... say hi to him from me of u manage to see him again :)
GWS to Sirrush
i will and ty <3
i hope he will get well soon :(

greet him from me! even if i dont know him!
all the best to him
:) gl to him.
Im going to visit my father in 30 mins also. He had a 4hours+ long surgery yesterday to remove a intestine cancer :x

my aunt is dying because of that.
oh thanks! Your last comment helped me alot :D
But its ok for now i think. My father found out he has a cancer in the very early stage while it didn't spread to the bodie ;) I'm very confident
This is the first time you wake up so early isn't it :-D Good luck with your dad ag0n!
no way.. usually i wakeup at 6.15 :P but this year i only have 3 class's so nP :)
I'm in love with u ag0n. Can we have early-morning-sex?
not today.. not even tomorrow because i have uni.. maybe thursday
Ok deal. No aids ok?
gl with that ... <3 u
Sad to hear, my uncle died of this shit :S. GL :)
Good luck to him.
gl to him i been also operated 3 weeks ago :)
Made me laugh in real life danone, you know what kind of comments are coming now :P
thats why he isnt coming to cc5 ;
nice excuse;
what kind of surgery? brain one?;
Shuttup - I wanted to be first. Was thinking about a nice sentence to write. Oh well, then I'll use the standard ones:

thats hell of scoliosis @ pic :x

I had it too when I was younger but rehabilitation went good and I'm healthy as f00k now!
OMGOAT XCLUSIV!!! Did synthax come too?
nah xclusiv went with a few mates to NL, his aunt lives in eindhoven and he took train to me really cool guy :D
Good stuff :) I liked this guy tbh! Hope he's got an uncle in PL so he can hop in for a while :D
dont think he will come :D weed is illegal in PL. he was so fucking stoned :D
Indeed it is illegal, as it is in Malta I guess, still not many actually care about it, it's hard to find a party with no weed in here.
hehe well he said weed here is so much better than in malta xD
No surprise, afaik dutch weed > all. Still I will stay with the One And Only : alcohol :D
weed + alcohol > alcohol tbh :D
GWS :<

That picture almost made me shit bricks, does scoliosis ever get any worse than that, cuz that's hella brutal :X
thats the worst stage of scoliosis (can't get worse than that and its very very rare)
Well it could go a few degrees more, in the Anthropology Instutute where I have anatomy we saw a backbone + chest of a dead child which ribs went over 180 degrees turn because of the scoliosis but that was absolutely extreme. Still someone who has this kind of scoliosis is more or less fucked.
exclusive is in NL? :O
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