Left For Dead Available NOW!¬

For Waki,

Left For Dead BETA available on STEAM.


it rocks btw (multiplayer)
Not rly, considering its only became available in last 4 mins.
been playing it since monday (pre-order release :p )
sure lacks mirrors edge in here guys

image: mirrors-edge-20080115102322417
if i had a pc that could play it like that. i would retire from work at the age of 18 and sit there playing it all fucking day.
cant be speedrunning with variable fps, 800x600 dx7 ty
i could probably run it on max, but yeah id be getting 30 fps at the most.

i can run cod4/5 bia:hells highway and other new games @ max and play them np but ET i cant even get 125 fps.

I timedemo in ET at 400+ FPS these days o//

except I haven't played any games since my last EC game

this always happens, I buy something related to my interests and then a few weeks later I get bored of that interest, least i can play mirrors edge

for now im going to make some EMOBACON
where can i get it?
propably will run on my pc.. ET gives me around 800fps or smth
not out yet, released thursday or friday

you should timedemo btw, firstly because >500FPS isn't really possible in the ET engine (without 999) and secondly because you get an idea of how much FPS you really get
397 fps.. will try it later withotu firefox running (usess the double amount of ram as ET is useing -.-)
tyvm, dling :>
well the speedrunning community hasn't had a game dedicated to us since portal, so i can imagine there will be a lot of competition in this game :)

especially because it's not based on an engine the community is familiar with, eg portal was easier to learn for the hl2 runners due to the source engine
that game makes me rage, fucking try and error game
is this the singleplayer demo or real "beta"
I want to know that too @_@
k it has multiplayer, awesome one btw
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