Not well :(

Woke up with a really sore throat and felt really weak, i think i got the flu coming!!

Anybody got any advice on what to take??
take a dick up your tight bum.
We're not all like you.
im afraid i might have alot of things but a tight bum is certainly not one of them.
I was talking about taking a dick up there.
oh , well i wish you were like me ;)
I wasn't saying I'm not like you, I was saying most here aren't.
oh i like the way you tease me!
omg your profile quotes about cats are naiz.
they're sooo tr00
OP post = hillarious
if you havent got a tight bum it has been....
go sleep
Lemsips for the throat and cold symptoms, Lucozade or Red Bull to help with the energy bit then just sleep really!

or just get some wine and buy some groceries called hot wine flavour or what.
and after that sleep ofc.

get well m8!
Honey in hot milk. Helped me a lot but might be placebo effect striking though.
we finboys trust in sauna,it cures almost every disease. but my advice is,don't take any drugs! sick leave FTW! XD
Had it, but now its gone hah!
Take this as many times a day as is possible!!!

image: 1191063692_c27c9954e8
i'm getting sick, can I have some?! xD
ma tean mida sa tunned
eat engine fuel
That's how I started on Saturday. Look forward to 5-7 days of saltwater snot dripping down your face and back of your throat causing dehydration, coughing chunks of brown phlegm from the bottom of your lungs, dizziness, fatigue, blowing your nose so much you get a face like a scabby vagina and poo the consistency of school gravy. Although that last part might be down to the 3 litres of orange juice per day I've been drinking to try to fight off this facking lurgy.
Quote by tophercoughing chunks of brown phlegm from the bottom of your lungs

nowt to do with the 8th you probably smoke every night before bed >:D
Had that about 3 weeks ago :(
fuck off you prick D:DD
Get a stable immune system .
I'll just pop down the shops and get one!
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