reinstall et :<
12 Nov 2008, 18:00
So i have no sounds in ET.. winamp and Call of Duty is working fine so my
soundcard isnt broken or anything.
s_info in ET says: sound system not started <-duh
what could be causing this? Thanks!
soundcard isnt broken or anything.
s_info in ET says: sound system not started <-duh
what could be causing this? Thanks!
there's no other solution then /kill & forcetapout .
sure miQi omg
try /snd_restart, it restarts s_commands
wont help
Crashes the game for me. :-P
try a pure client
Didnt work. ;-< But then again, I have no problems with sound except lapse within the scroll wheel on the vcu.
what fanta said
what cola said
this was so bad
nice breaking chains
what Sephiroth said
what vaGgi said
this was so bad
nice breaking chains
what Fex said
no help..
cg_drawgun 0 try it :)
hahahahahahahahahahahahaahha :D:D:Dd.:D:DD.ddd:D:DD:Ddd:D:::DDdd:D:D:Dd:D
Ron from IT crowd would say: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"