you're a racist

or at least 75% of you are.

go here

and take the test titled "Race IAT"

"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

oh dear :(

it seems pretty accurate too, there's just as much chance of you going one way as there is the other. Goes to show...

» You cannot post two journals in a row that fast.

EDIT: wonder how many people will get warnings from their comments in here :D
just thought that 80% of the population, including black people, holding white people in higher esteem than black people was pretty interesting. Especially in the PC world we live in.

nobody said you personally had to care.
The PC world is a myth.
im racist lolol
yes you are.
I hate racists.
care nigger ;los
i just hate niggers, nothing to do with MATURE
You obviously missed the point but oh well
i have hated niggers since one of them stole my bike (true story)
that's the point; even black people who've taken the test are often proved to think white people are better.

although, if you're interested, people aren't racist because they choose to be, it's because of the media's stereotype etc.

For instance, if you were to read about martin luther king before you took the test, you'd appear far more pro-black than if you hadn't.
Please go to the nearest exit, niggerlover
"Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American."

i dont:<
Ihre Daten lassen vermuten:
geringe bis gar keine automatische Bevorzugung von einer der beiden Gruppen

no racist at all tbh :<
I got "weak automatic preferance for people with bright skin"

As much as I wish I could control my "automatic preferance", this is sad but true.
great test, you are used to put the good things and white ppl at the same side, they changes sides and you are confused -> a little slower. they could have done that with cats and dogs instead of whites and blacks, too, pointless!
god you're right; harvard professors should check with you next time before dedicating years into these studies
I wonder what the results would look like if they made the test the other way round.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.
Netherlands "Uw data suggereren een sterke automatische voorkeur voor Blanke Mensen boven Gekleurde Mensen."

which means

United States of America"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American."
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Everyone is racist. I don't need a test to tell me otherwise.
Equality doesn't exist.
tbh I was thinking that the nigger was the racist :X
image: kkk

if i find them racists, i am one of them ?
the fact that all the text there in the first sentence is white except for the word "Racist" is subliminal messaging
Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Your Result
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American.
takes too long
Ihre Daten lassen vermuten:
starke automatische Bevorzugung von Weißen gegenüber Schwarzen
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Whites compared to Blacks.
Welcome, brother.
nigga pls
too long, got bored
no im not!
Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Im not racist i just dont like niggers!

I don't mind black people at all but I am not in any way attracted to black women and have never fancied any black women, famous or in real life!
Plz not all men uses their dicks to think.Halle Berry is a nice black female.
In my hometown there are no black ppls,so I have no contact to them
Like I said I have nothing against them I just dont find them attractive you can name all the black women you want, but i especially think halle berry is ugly, and i hate girls with short hair i.e image: halle-berry

What age you anyway surely your not 10 ?
Halle berry isn't really "Black" ...
I really love her skincolor, never had a girl with browner than than me before but I really like girls who are a bit more exotic
well of black decent! I know shes only a half cast!
Truly to old for this forum
Your data suggests:
Strong automatic preference for White People compared to Black People.
I don't mind niggers, only hate the ones who think that just because their black that their automatically gangsta.
can i post nigger related stuff pls?
Test is fucked up they showed loads of white people compared to black ones and then they say I tend to like white people better even though I don't care, maybe it's just because you don't see too many blacks in europe, kinda normal you react a tad faster on white people faces since your so acustomed to it >:/

I'm 24% racist :/
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