I Need a good laptop¿?
13 Nov 2008, 21:49
Since i'm not that kind of a computer guy and know wat is the lattest good stuff and shizzle for a laptop nor computer.
I need you guys from crossfire to help me out with a laptop...
Since i might go to south africa for a trainingship for 6 month wat is almost sure for 90% i'm in need of a laptop with wireless internet ofcourse to stay in contact with home and to do my school stuff on it and ofcourse watch high detailed porn:P!
So wat kind op laptop you guys suggest (ofcourse it also needs to be required to play ET or COD4 on it with out trouble...)
Thanks already!
Please link me to a laptop... that is good. budget limit is arround 700 to 1000 euro's
I need you guys from crossfire to help me out with a laptop...
Since i might go to south africa for a trainingship for 6 month wat is almost sure for 90% i'm in need of a laptop with wireless internet ofcourse to stay in contact with home and to do my school stuff on it and ofcourse watch high detailed porn:P!
So wat kind op laptop you guys suggest (ofcourse it also needs to be required to play ET or COD4 on it with out trouble...)
Thanks already!
Please link me to a laptop... that is good. budget limit is arround 700 to 1000 euro's
and no don't buy Acer
acer is (relatively well) known for failures within the first year.
also, the customer-service isn't too good either...
Show me some of you specialties!
look yourself, just pick the one within your price range with the biggest numbers on its spec
Sadpanda omg
- Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5750 (2.0 Ghz, 667Mhz FSB, 2MB L2 Cache)
- 15,4 " LCD
- 1536 ATI Mobility RAde HD 3470 Hypermemory
- 3 GB DDR2
- 320 GB HD
I also need it for work, games (Far cry 2 & Brothers in ARms work), movies, etc... This isn't the best one avaiable but good enough for people like u or me who don't need it or if you don't want to pay for a 2000€ laptop. A good price/quality I guess. If u search very well u can find smthg better but this is a good choice anyway.
I bought it at carrefour in BE.
if you want more details , pm ;)