overclocking q6600..

Just experimenting on how much i can overclock my q6600

Finaly managed to get it to 3.0ghz on air cooling with unload temps staying around 29-32c

which I think is quite low. using artic pro freezer 7 cooler.

Setting ive used are:

fsb = 1335
unlinked to memory ( left memory unoverclocked 800mhz)
vcore - 1.455v
nb core - 1.55v
cpu vt - 1.45v
memory - 2.1v

using striker extreme as my mobo.

want to get the overclock to 3.2ghz but cant do it so far.

anybody else overclocked the q6600 in the same way on air?

fsb 1337 will do the trick
vcore - 1.455v

huh WHAT, im doing 3ghz (16 hours p95 stable) on ~<1.2V o.O, at that voltage I can run 3.6Ghz stable

edit: Is it a b3 stepping by any chance? I have a g0.
yes its b3 stepping. ive had to raise it that high to boot and getting it kinda stable.

just flashed bios to 1303 apparently its the best version for overclocking.
ah gutting :(

thats why I try and avoid buying first revisions of hardware

would help if i could but it seems like it'll be a struggle pushing that thing too far, I kinda advise keeping it below 1.5v :\

could maybe try different combinations of multipliers and FSB, eg, 400x8 (I'm guessing you have 333x9 at the moment)
well im kinda new to overclocking so im still learning.

the multiplyer is on 9. but how do u find out the 333 and 400 etc?

is that the bus speed?

and do i alter it in the same place in the bios?
depends on your mobo i guess, mine has it focused on one page. fsb is front side bus, the value you wrote in your first post is a different number :\

with your current set up for example, I'm guessing that you are running ram at 400FSB (ddr2-800) and CPU at 333FSB... well... I really struggle at explaining this stuff in writing :|
right i see what u mean, so atm i have 335@9

and maybe try 400@8 ?
400x8 would give you 3.2ghz (and will run in 1:1 with your ram!), and your chip/board might cope with it better than say 366x9

make sure that intel auto-multiplier-changing-thing isnt fucking around and trying to set it to 9, not exactly sure what the name of it is right now

anyhoo, off for now, good luck
g0 = the best I believe, right?
image: cpuwx6.thimage: thpix

cpuz results ;s
I have a question actually for you, I run a BioStar TP43-D2A7 have you ever had an E2180 in your P45? My motherboard registers as P45 in CPU-Z and I want to know if there is any reason why I can't get my motherboard to post with any type of overclock, even though with the cooling and RAM I have I should probably hit 3 GHz
see below forgot to reply. :)
success! image: 29914354hs6

bios version 1303 makes all the difference, think i could get it to 3.6 cos the cpu temp is still around 35 unload.
35 unload can translate to fairly high after some extended load you know

i get 20-22 unload and it can get to above 45 on some encoding or compiling

have you stress tested it to make sure your overclock is stable?
9x420=3780 or at least 8x420=3360
with memory on 900 Mhz (5-5-5-15)

VCPU 1.55V
PLL 1.6V
NB 1.5V

another multipliers:
7x450=3150, 8x450=3600, 9x450=4050 (4050 will be hard w/o really good batch and pimped vent prolly same for 3600 but you can try)


ps: btw are you running that 24/7 and did you test it already with Orthos or Prime95?
nope going to test now with prime 95 for 8 hours
3600 with standard cooler izi bash
it is easy bash if you bought the right batch. some CPUs aren't that overclockable bcuz of few reasons as fsb cpu wall, weird batch.. With that kind of cooler and good batch this thing should work 9x420 w/o any problem on right voltage settings
i has e8400 tho :D
E8400 should go over 4000 with decent cooler and batch
need to reinstall my cooler cuz i kinda fucked up because of my small case. but indeed it should
im running mine @ 3.3 im using Antec Twelve Hundred case it keeps things cool, I am going for 3.6 tonight!
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