#6o6.et phun 2


Just beat shiNe and his team (featuring cuppermerc) again tonight.. and guess what, he banned us all again. 6 of us, multiple times.

Sort it the fuck out, Shine. Fucked up faggot.

So nice, so sound.

#qubetemp Bigbeats.

edit, He even banned Stormeh and shiim, who the fuck bans stormeh and shiim!?!
shine is always right. gtfo cheaters.
Shine is a nob, end of
mixeds are serious business
who is Shine ?

image: the_shining
agree with you but not really sure what to say except that ill try and talk with him

this kind of stuff is best solved with pm btw
Someone is looking for Mod or God mode!
Shine doesnt respond on PM's he simply ignores you, he even bans players he never played. and still he doesnt respond on pm's. he is just the common retarded kiddy who cant handle having admin powers.
exz: we only ban people that are really cheaters
I don't think he appreciates big beats

Fucked up faggot
image: ddddtq5

#6o6.et phun v1
genetically altering beat
A connection, through heavy tetesterone filled trance.
Calling stormeh a cheater is just fantastic. :D
Pssh, whatever Dave.. whatever.
Yea... we're onto you... so naice.
so kanker, so naice
Once again, shine is banning people for fun. lemme guess. hes not responding on your PM's?
so this is a second @ at 6on6.et who rage-bans
I was once banned by exz^ for "best wh since kenta"
Unexpected cheater lover :D

Edit: i never played him, and still he banned me :D ( 10times busted nub)
maybe I am cheater lover because of not prooved hunter, but I never cheated so it's kinda strange for me, especially when people mistake gamesense for wallhack :D
yea,he has a good ingame whine,but didnt knew he also bans ppl if he lose
He banned gtv`h3ll for beating him and his team in a war, so I unbanned him because it was unfair then I lost my OP!
Ya Scummy Bastards, playing without me for once and you get yourself banned right away.
Let's make a new 6on6 channel imo =[
Tried and failed before :<
Most people cba to change, those who are not banned don't care untill they get banned. It's just like ET Maps, people cba to try out new ones and do new stuff as long as it doesnt bother them and they can still play the old ones.
True, but if we get another OP far enough to ban everyone and fuck up the channel, then it would be no problem!
We could try a take over in the 6on6 channel. Or let's boycot him from crossfire and any further games he wants to play himself.
Just ban him from xfire D: Banning people from a warsearching channel for personal reasons is just ... GAY. They should ban Shine or whatever his name is ;/ Who else is admin of the channel ?>
ehmm, I believe some rl friend of his (dunno what his name his), exz, m4x and Wesbo. At least afaik. Imo we should ban him from crossfire idd and everyone should just boycot him also from searching war.
Was so fucked up last time, we searched a war, some friend of his gave us an IP on a server where shiNe already played, just because they wanted to get us banned.
gogo make journal for banning him with reasons :> cba!
I'm already moderator, I am not in touch with the commoners as much as you are! + You're more known player, so more people will feel appealed by your proposition. Otherwise you'll give them THE FACE!
So do you have an opinion on a case like this?
None, I'm saying no we won't ban someone from Crossfire over anything like this.
I can understand that, just wondering what you as an 'outsider' think of a case like this (e.g. banning players from a channel because they win a game vs you)
"If" that's what happened then it'd seem lame 'n counter-productive to the purpose of the channel... but it be his channel, his rules. Create an alternative.
Make a poll please then:

Would you join a new #6on6.et channel ?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Only if there are admins which can handle their admin powers (or smth like that :>)
Officials, please no-one plays that, thats why it failed D: This channel is the most general channel of ET and an admin is abusing his powers. I would like to see how many people would like another channel for same purposes but other admins that know how to use their powers and not to abuse them.

edit: I've seen this happen many times in 3on3.et to ;/
Done and done
Surely if he's banning clean players and if the ops in the new channel were reasonable people would switch. If not, just get Loekino or someone to spam them in to submission :D
Well, true, I guess Kiewan and Cupper aren't the most reasonable people then!
he is banning clean people, just tbecause they owned him in a match.
yeah how could anyone get me banned!:( unban me!!!
How can you be online during the day? Unbelievable as well :D
hehe :D some typing and reading isnt so hard :D
Yeah, but how can someone ban you? :[ I couldn't understand how someone could ban me already,. let alone ban you!
i dunno :o either coz i was a part of the winning team, or just a random ban..i dunno :x
Because you're too nice for this world! :d
They banned you because you're sexeh. No other reason for it tbh.
Must be...would explain why they can't ban stKz though...either that or they look over him everytime he's on the channel!
He be a sneaky hobbit.
oi grandad, zip it

Old but still speccing for the lulz ;)
xDDDDDD ur catching up with capo :PP
This is the line -> | You are now here ----------------------------------->

Wanker :D
xDD next thing u know you'll be the 1 e-raging and shooting ur own team whenever u see them!
yeah how could anyone ban shiim!:( unban her!!!
Im banned from there aswell ;) (Q perm ban)
he banned me also coz he didnt like the serv we played on
'Drama' night it seems.

Mixed game last night.
Asked for Med - got Med - beat them - they called us lowbirds.

Go figure.

I had to have a coffee and some 'chill-time' after that one I can tell you.
ask Canada Wesbo to unban you : )
Perm bans.
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