
yo fellas

Next week I have to do a speech in the class (about 5mins long). The subject of the speech is free to choose.

Any ideas? (preferably nothing with gaming)

EDiT: I should have an opinion in my speech. I should convice my audience of something. So please stop giving me subjects such as rock&roll, holidays ..
EMO's (just take a picture of de wouter)
crossfire - a gaming community
sex / drugs / rock and roll
i had the same speech last year, i was talking about great depression, pretty easy to talk for 5 mins...
holiday imo

the us election and why you would have voted for obama
nuclear power, always easy
i have an idea:

image: Just-Do-It
Do something that you like to and you have strong opinions, politics might be easy subject or something different decision, which has been provely incorrect
marihuana. legalize it!
you shouldnt have any problems getting it w/o legalization tbh
oh rly
but he has to convince his audience of the fact that marihuana is not hard drug and stuff..therefor legalize it.just my opinion..
is there actually any student thinking its a hard drug?
dunno.but there are actually people who think it is hard drug and therefor has to be illegal. only netherlands..
"Why I am better than you, and how I'm going to prove it"
convince them that ur not gay, pretty hard but u can do it
Intel Core2Duo OC
the current drugs policy in The Netherlands, they wan't to close several coffeeshops because belgian and german tards are spoiling it for the dutchies.
Talk about my leet skills. U can easily fill 20 minutes with that.
Give a speech convincing your audience that you are not actually giving a speech. Or, to be slightly more productive, convince your audience that giving a five minute speech is not an effective way to judge academic progress.

Give a 5 minute speech about the 5 minute speech that someone else just gave, convincing them that it was either the best speech they've ever heard or the worst, depending on your own feelings.

Give a 5 minute lecture on vocabulary, where you simply read words and their meanings from the dictionary, giving opinions after each as to whether you think it is a useful word or not: attempt to convince the audience that 'dibble', meaning to drink like a duck, is the most useful word in the english language.

Give a 5 minute speech about peadofilia, arguing that because your dad did it, it must be ok.

Give a 5 minute speech convincing your audience that you hate the sound of your own voice, and that it is, in fact, the most annoying voice they have ever heard.

Give a 5 minute speech attempting to convince yourself and your audience that you are homosexual. Or, if you feel up for a challenge, that you're a lesbian.

Give a 5 minute speech to convince your audience that wanting to have sex with your own mother isn't such a bad thing - You must also sound like you're convincing yourself at the same time.

Give a 5 minute speech attempting to convince your audience that you are high on acid and have no idea where you actually are.

Give a 5 minute speech convincing your audience that upping the abortion timelimit to 2 years would be an effective way to minimise 'retard babies'.

Give a 5 minute speech convincing your audience that you were going to talk about something else but your girlfriend just broke up with you and you're feeling a bit depressed. End with a convincing, heartfelt argument on why you'll be ending your own life later that day.
een BETOOG? ik heb da ook gedaan vorig jaar en da ging over de slechte invloed van .. tv ofzo? op kinderen
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