TLR loses another squad

Sad to c all these teams leaving the ranks of TLR :<
who cares? it's css
i do , its just sad to c 3 teams leaving in a row ....
Another mis-communication with their squad?
ye, I have to cry myself to sleep beacuse of this ;<<<
Can I cry with you ? :D
Being British I think it's great from 4k's perspective :D
kol kalb biji yomo
Okay this is really fucked.
As far as i know your one of the crewmembers at TLR.

This news story is about 3-4 days old and your first realize it now? You as a member of a organization should know whats going around. Get a grip dude!

And posting this news on crossfire really shows how bad a member you are. TLR has a bad period but seriously you do not shout about it.

Correct me if im wrong!
Afaik Frenky has been very busy with school and real life ( I know, a term unknown to you) and it's probable he didn't have time untill now.

Also I have no idea what this journal is about.
We both left, when the ET team left.
People do have lives you know
tlr is a goner in 2009
why did the etsquad leave ?
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