a story about infern the retard

ok kids let me tell you a story (real life story)


bibu's story:

It all started when i invited SloveniaINFERN to the cinema. The movie was supposted to start at 20:00 so we wanted to leave home 1 hour and 15 mins befor movie started. I was waiting SloveniaINFERN infront of his house for 15 min !!! when he came out i asked him what took him so long. He said that he didn't find his money, so he took his brothers. Well i was like ye what ever lets just go to the bus station. Time was 19:00. Then we were waiting at the station for fucking bus 40 min. So ye i was like pissed off on SloveniaINFERN becous we missed the movie. well it was 20:00 when we arrived to the cinema. We decided to look another movie which starts 20:10. I went to buy some candys for 5 euros while SloveniaINFERN was waiting in the BIG line for the cards. After i bought candys i joined SloveniaINFERN in the line. Then suddenly a fucking gipsy girl came to us and asked me for a signature for "retarded ppl help" , i was liek ye sure lets help ppl, so i gave the candy to SloveniaINFERN so i can sing on the list. After i signed i saw i have to pay 5 euros. While i was signing another gispy girl asked SloveniaINFERN to sign. He asked gipsy girl if she can hold MY candys while he is signing. When we finnished signing the gipsy girls left. I was like pissed off cuz i just lost my fucking 5 euros. So i asked SloveniaINFERN: "where are my candys?"..... he looked at me with the stupid face and he said: "i dont know". I was liek ye ok nice joke and i asked him again: "srsly where are my candys?!". He said: "OH THE GIPSY GIRLS HAS THEM" I was so pissed off on infern that i decided to go home. Oh and btw we were waiting for the bus another 40 mins. gtfo.

Infern's story:

yes great
they also stole your ENGLISHS?
welcome to Slovenia :)
at least you made me smile:)
"hahahaah this is fucking sick :D:DD::D"
too much to read ..!
its worth it :P
ur right!
nice stroy :)
i didn't.

i serious'd
I was liek ye ok nice joke and i asked him again: "srsly where are my candys?!"

:DDD <3
I would do the same with you Aleks, if indeed you lost my candies. Tard.
i feel sorry for you :D
if there was b1bu it was a nice story..but still too long to read :D
read it ^^ its worth it :P
hahaha nigga stole ur candies xD

i was like, i dont care.
lol,gipsys tricked u :D
Have you ever read a book called Murphy's Law?
i know what it is.
[00:42] b1bub4bu: a
[00:42] b1bub4bu: a
[00:42] b1bub4bu: a
[00:42] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': gordon ramsey ftw
[00:43] b1bub4bu: got owned by gipsy
[00:43] b1bub4bu: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=71129
[00:43] b1bub4bu: :<
[00:43] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': much read
[00:43] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': wait
[00:43] b1bub4bu: its worth it
[00:43] b1bub4bu: ..
[00:43] b1bub4bu: read it
[00:43] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': iam :D
[00:43] b1bub4bu: k
[00:44] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': HAHAHAHA
[00:44] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': XDXD
[00:44] b1bub4bu: :>

[00:45] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': i copyed this
[00:45] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': and pasted it
[00:45] b1bub4bu: where ..
[00:45] MssV Jimriniho deluxe': at the journal ofc
"i dont know"

lool sounds like an annoying guy to hang out, but fun at the same time XD
I know what u mean about those fucking buses, I travelled 8 freaking years to school by bus and when u add the days I was late on the fucking bus u get like a whole year of not getting to school on time cause of the fucking bus:D Thank god I have my car licence now

Slovenia doesn't want cro in EU grrrrr. I hope ur country gets even smaller in the future^^
leet story
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