Lazio (aleks) gay2

So I ask you this crossfire, upon this nite / morning of drukenness, is Replay|Lazio gay or not?!

I tell you this vote f1 or f1, the answer is gonna b correct!

Many times he has convinced me that he is gay, but somtiems I wonder when he says a lady is hot!

Well we ned to find out, atleast i'm brining a baseball bat to cc5 with mby even a gun to protect me from the raging Lazio ( tbh he is a freak, but I STILL LIKE YOU LOWZIO >#!

So shoutout to all the drunkiness cu <3 u all, including lazio ( gaymachine )

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hes 100% gay, asking for internet sex several time in MSN, he even showed me his tits
God I fucking new it!
Aleks is raging homo.
u got smth new to tell me or?! =D?
He's belgian/serbian, perfect combo. Besides that, he always harasses me on vent when no one is listening whispering what he is going to do with me at cc5 :$
I bet the is a shemale, no doubT!! =D
At least I will have breasts to touch then! (does he have man breasts too?)
he senet me this pic of himeself so I GUESS its him!

image: img_0a625279f148203d4fa2d9e93a1b668a
He is gay for sure, and I wanna use this opportunity to tell every Norway that Domi didnt know what a "grændis" is until i told him recently
what a nub, everyone knows what that is, best meal ever! <333
it has been a lifesaver sooo many times <3
life saver in its way!
ye, he is gay. last time when he asked me for a sex, he wanted to include the horse.

Lazio on 16/11/08, 10:26:34 PM | Reply

I need somebody with a human touch
i heard smth about polish girlfriend but now ...
the proof:

[21:56] <@re-play|Lazio> no dave in my butt
[21:56] <@re-play|Lazio> no win
I knew these quotes would come to hunt me
clean :<
dont have time to waste on this freak side show clown
He's a raging homosexual.
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