another bakcfromtehcubl journal

hate those 5vs1 fights.this is so gaylike! hope you do fine <3
know the situation :)

deepest sympathy
football is much better
image: __1
you shouldnt leave it like that, just go with even more friends and find those guys, give them what they deserve
thats how we spent the next 1.5 hour, trying to find them but we never did.
piteå isnt such a big city and i guess we will know their names in some day/days :)
gl (hate turkisch arogant people, Belgium is full of em)
Getting into fights at bars and stuff is just retarded.
army friends getting beat up... swedish army must be full of killing machines
they were the ones getting beaten up at the earlier fights, they only won the last one when they went 8-9 people vs 3 (the chicken way)
why do you even bother going out if the only thing you want is to fight?
hahahahaha you all ran to the wrong way :DDDD
ye that was a pretty fucked up mistake, but the guy on the phone was fucking drunk like the rest and could rly discribe where they were, and like none of us had been to this city before so we had no clue where we were :D:D
yeah that kind of shit happens.. but in my opinion: if you don't know the city, just run away as hell :D fighting is only good in known places: 1. you know where you are 2. if they run away it's easier to find them.. but in your case you all got pretty confused haha :D

EDIT: I respect you because you're going in Kosovo.
you should have called for backup from the K3 rangers ;D
I think with with good trained close combat skills you should have beat em even with 3v9, depending on blood alcohol level ofcourse
our 3 guys were very wasted, same with some of the turkish ppl but they called their friends and cousins (u know their deal :D) which werent that drunk/or not drunk at all.
You should have called me and distracted them for... 15 hours or smth? :L]
normal situation in germany -.-
and once again Turkey cant handle it in a normal fight and call their friends to deal with 3 people :XD
you(+mates) should kick the shit ouf of those turks
fkin immigrants 8D
we once were battling it out downtown on a road with 3 lanes 6v2 but they smashed us :<

when they left we caught a taxi and told him 'follow that car!' lols
Thats the power of the Arabic people, fighting together. They are pussy ass bitches when they are alone in the dark. But when u meet them and they are with 10+ you can start running away.

Ofc u try to help ur friend but Arabic people are even helping them if it's their own fucking fault that they get beat up. (I wont help friends who start calling people names for nothing, it's their own fucking fault)
Turks are not arabs get your facts straight before talking bullshit.
they look like arabs and act like them, so for me all those people are arabs.

When they start integrating in our country and don't act liek they are in their own country I'll maybe start liking them. But especialy the maroks are ruining it for all immigrants. Their evil also get reflected on the turks etc since they all look the same.

I'm not a racist or anything and have friends from different nationalities, but a lot the immigrants (and their sons/bitches) are really annoying me by being arrogant and not learning the dutch language. (And they can't even speak their own language properly since the use dutch words between it :D:D:D)
"When they start integrating in our country and don't act liek they are in their own country"

Can you see the error I CAN

I can see that sentence is wrong but my english is too bad to see whats wrong :D

What I meant was that they should follow our rules and not act like their are still in turkey (where ur allowed to kill for some reasons etc (eerwraak en die stuff))
in turky state and religion are seperated. I think if you kill someone for eerwraak you will never get out of jilla.
fkin immigrants 8D
All the swedish Air Force guys I met when I was in Air Force were pussies...:p
And the first thing u though when u came home is that u must go and wright on crossfire right away.

u never see a Turkish guy alone in Sweden =/
lold, not rly. its just that im free today after the partying yesterday and we arent rly doing anything.
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