fakenick: 666

i got kicked now several times from servers (mostly cybergames). dunno why.
perhaps fanatic christians!?

are u fanatic christians???????????????? (answer with: y/n)

image: cropped666musterbriefeundreden
i know who's a fanatic christian on CF for sure
I'll pray for you
kicked by players always, or admins?

if you got kicked by voting, than i can't see any kind of fanatic christians...
it must be your fault.
i have been kicked by voting. i didn't write anything - no teamkills! dunno why. it must have been the christian et-squad
<- pagan
well if your using a nick like "fuckjesusintheeyesocket" or something similar, then you're probably just being kicked for being an attention whoring cunt. No religious factors, just for being a cunt.

If your not using a name like that then complete disregard everything i have just said :)
fakenicks are for lowskillers
Who told that to you?
Some wise man long time ago.
You have had a good teacher mate :)
You are most wise Polak I've ever met, I'm honoured to know you. No sarcasm.
:-D how true^^
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