games => movies

I always liked those intro movies u see in games like red alert 3 or EndWar etc... (see links below)
Wouldn't it be sweet if they would make a whole movie around this? Like in these trailers below but a whole movie. Not 'real' movies like Pearl Harbor but movies with ingame graphics like in these trailers. A bit like the movie "300" but a huge, modern war recreated with battle ships, stealth planes, etc...
Just imagine an amazing, virtual battle put into a movie of 1,5h. red alert 3 => great scene with all those battleships EndWar

Or maybe a mix of a strategy game and a MMORPG. Imagine a huge virtual battlefield with millions of people building bases & tanks etc...

Thoughts please.

image: endwar1

image: tom-clancys-endwar-20070820040405937
I'm not really clear on what you mean.

Slightly on topic, yet off topic;
Max Payne was based on a game, right?

I suck at movie facts.
well your correct on max payne.
I think what he means is a movie basicly based on cut -scenes from games... or thats what I understand from it!
If Max Payne is based on a game or not is not really that important. It's an action movie just like all those others movies u see in the theatre. I actually mean a sort of virtual war recreated like in the movie "300" but with battleships, stealth planes , etc... just like in the first trailer where u see all these battleships. Those battleships aren't 'real', it's ingame graphics.
I hope u understand what I mean lol, can't really explain it better.
Dude, I'm stupid. Sorry! I understand now. It would be sweet, but the story better be good! ;-)
pls man, those movies sux, nothing will beat Starcraft movies, that's fosho :)
Yea I know there are better ones. It were just recent ones I could remember of. I wasn't really aiming for 1 particular game/movie.
Mhm not bad but not the best:)
Seeing everybody is taking their guess here on what he actually mean I'll take a shot.
He wants to see movies with pre-rendered graphics, just like the ones shown in cutscenes in games.

What that graphic shown in the trailers are is infact not in-game but pre-rendered.
You're right. I ment the pre-rendered graphics, not in-game.
Enjoy while it last :)
You know, beeing as great as me it lasts forever because I'm always right. And if I'm wrong I always blame Eddo!
After seeing your real life awards on your profile, I kinda doubt that :)
Hah! Best beard on Crossfire, It's a default win my friend!
I actually was more thinking about the 'retarded' part:)
Everybody needs a little spice of retardation!
Now if it only was just 8%...
Bah, you claim I am more retarded than 8%? Thanks for the compliment, but I'm only 8% actually.

Boy imagine if I was a 10 percenter, what great things I could do!
Mhm, I'm starting to get worried about the remaining 92% :).
Hmmm, hasn't that project been thrown down the trash?
there's a term for that, called machinima.
Everyone knows RTCW-people is cooler than real people any day of the week!
Ah, the RTCW-walk. The girls love it!
no thanks, normal molvies for me pls. 300 was cool though!:-D

edit: ignore the l in molvies
wicked nice graphics
it would fall flat on it's face as soon as they asked the japanese people they hired to do the cgi to be involved. and then asked the same japanese guys to write the dialogue, instafail
apparently, the project has been picked up again since August 5th this year:

Wolfenstein movie
may payne is in film. Let's see it niggers!

and rts + mmorgp won't work (unless it's textbased and boring!), and not just because of the huge lags

although, World of Warcraft is rts + mmorpg, in some way!
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