Sup mates?

It's booring @ work

I don't have anything to do :(

What are you doing? :)
learning pov-ray... its shit
I'm reading your journal!
I think you are bored too!
fucikng boerd
thinking to my self.. go to school or not go to school?, thats the question!
preparing to fucking go to school :|
work,trying to stay awake,but it's hard mate.
what's ur job ?
I'm electrician
oh there is an eletrician in my home. He's installing something for my lady dunno what i'm nerding on et AHAHAH
i will take a shower, then i will have my very own "king breakfast", after that i will go out to the supermarket and pick up smth to eat and to drink for work and then i will go straight to work afterwards!

got late shift this week so i have to work from 13:00 - 22:00 :( and i am back home at 22:45/23:00 :<
what kind of job? industry? ha,we have "evening" shift at 13.30-20.45. ^^ may i ask, that is it just in my head or do you think too that when you are in evening shift,you can remove 1 week from your life straight,i mean,you can't do nothing more that sleep&work. :D
im working in a printery.

and no, its not only in your head :< in late shift (or your evening shift) you really could just remove one week of your life straight :|
I'm off to a training course which are full of mongs, bbl
waiting to go home, wotlk ><
learning bhopping in CS, so confusing :X
It doesn't exist, maybe that's the reason it's confusing. Learn surfing instead, it's almost cool.
Bind that shit to mouse scroll and you're sorted!
I know, I already did, but I still can't figure it out :(
Come and help me then, i get 1 mail every 2min, user rights is fucked up after weekend.
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