Goal Catania

Mascara from catania scored on a freekick vs torino this weekend.
Is that special you ask?

No , if it wasn't for his 3 teammates who stood in front of the keeper to distract him and they dropped their pants.

video -> http://www.voetbalzone.nl/doc.asp?uid=68909
:D Reminds me of the aggressive way of Rosenborg Trondheim to irritate the opponent's keeper in past.
I live live 5min from their stadium.. What did they do? :D
These kind of actions should happen more in soccer
lol pwned :D
There was some guy who kept doing that in the premiership a couple of years ago. Eventually the 'not interfering with play' rule was modified so as to incorporate stuff like that.
reminds me of a goalkeeper in premier league(think it was Bosnich) that dropped his pants at a penalty
the penalty taker didn't score ;o
lol is it allowed

Probably not huh?
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