need halp with fraps

i got fraps registered and i got absolutely no sound any one can halp me ?

image: f60e623e
check the +sound @ video :D
choose stereo mix @ fraps
look @ screene show me where ;D
try updating your sound drivers :o
Np [ger] also wenn du im video recorden willst musst du erst stereomix anmachen X;D[/ger]

EDIT: [ger] musst auf deinen lautsprecher unten inner taskleiste drücken und dann optionen - eigenschaften- und dann kannste selber sehen is bei jedem iwi anders wegen sound treiber ...achja und wenn du mit sound aufnimmst nich im ts oder so sein X:D[/ger]
I wanna make up right now na na
brainer, aiming like a god, but not that clever to configure a simple prog :|
i got it !!!!!!!!!!!!111111 thank you my best inet firend eva
dont use fraps
so what would you use ?
maybe i can help: boxes on => micro => TS saves incoming sounds. ;/
everybody who turn on "rec" in teamspeak get kicked xD
use another one?! also its recording for a few seconds. i tried it :p
good way to bann blade from ts :D
you dont have a sound device, thats why. Put it on detect best input and see what it says
Why faps?
Group fap ?
i thought it says Killerboy...... pffft.....
its recording your mic probably
busting urself ?
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