crossfire comment review

image: screenshot50

"because he is not more the nr1 famous CF member "

by NzZ

A Literary Analysis

There is many a time in literature when the simple approach wields greater power than complexity. Many writers in the past have focused on using English in the simplest way possible in their story telling, one such example would be the great George Orwell who in his essay on effective writing stated that it is best to omit a long word where a short one will do. "Comment #1457534" by NzZ really highlights this approach and manages to convey a powerful message despite the socio-economic context of modern day western culture.

First up one cannot truly understand this piece of writing without understanding the structure.

image: nzz

Starting out with a conjunction emphasises that he is responding to a prior claim in the thread, and trying to explain in more detail the topic at hand. The choice of word, because, strikes me as one used by a person who wants to get straight to the point of the issue and get all participants on the same proverbial page. The subject is introduced next, in the form of the pronoun he. The subject is of course perforator, and one should bare this in mind whilst analysing the rest of the sentence.

The next part of the text which deserves mention is the use of "not more". While these days some would consider this unconventional grammar, I feel it serves it's purpose well given the context that is an Internet gaming website. You are really given an insight in to the environment. "not more" could be interpreted as "no longer" or used as a comparative (which is what I believe to be the stronger interpretation) as I labelled it above. Without understanding the last section of the sentence it is still hard to derive the intended meaning, but I believe this contributes to the beauty of the work. In order to truly understand the authors meaning, we must understand the entire thing, not just a mere section. I think this serves as a metaphor for life, that we make assumptions far too often and instead should be patient and wait for a full understanding before jumping to a conclusion which could be incorrect and result in displeasure.

Moving on to the climax of the sentence as it were, "nr1 famous CF member" we are instantly drawn to "nr1". I believe the author to be saying "number one", as in, he believes the subject (perforator) to be ranked at the top. One is the highest traditional ranking possible. While this could technically be subverted by a play on words by a "number zero" I believe the authors intended use of "number one" was to place the subject at the absolute top without any chance of others being above him. "famous CF member" brings the text to a close. Whilst the meaning of these three simple words are clear, you should not make the mistake of thinking the author merely wrote these words here and pressed submit. No, that would be foolish of the reader. It is clear that much thought went in to the structure of the sentence so that "famous CF member" could be placed at the very end, so that the reader would ponder other famous Crossfire members before moving on to the next comment provoking thought within the reader.

Coming to a conclusion, I think after some necessary literary analysis we are able to extrapolate the correct meaning of the sentence. NzZ was merely responding to a previous comment, arguing that perforator should be treated only as the "number one" crossfire patron for his famousness, and no more than that. Why he shouldn't be treated as anymore than that is left for the reader to decide. While one could argue that the author meant to qualify his thoughts but just forgot, I don't believe this to be the case. After analysing his text it is clear that even each letter was carefully plotted and calculated. The author wants the reader to make his own conclusions which is far more powerful than premeditated reasoning. This is just one of the reasons that the text has such a ridiculously effective impact on passing readers.


apologies for any grammatical slips and breaks in flow, I'm tired and playing danmaku games
too long to read sry :<
Amazing. Meez, you have way too much time on your hands.
You had to be really bored.
*copy&pasting into my english literature paper*
are you doing english at a-level?
dropped after AS, it taught me how to write for pages without actually saying anything
we have to investigate language at A2, and I did Tosspot's commentaries which is pretty interesting actually. I was debating doing these forums and regret not doing them now; never realised crossfire posts were so deep and meaningful :D
are you doing lang/lit combined or?

I was on the pure Lit course, I hate language.
i'm on language. i was going to do literature because i love reading but i love creative writing more so i did language, only to find out there's barely any creative writing anyway! i think you'd of been really good at language actually, what you wrote is pretty much what you'd have to write for the coursework.

you should start doing these weekly :D
Personally I thought I made errors and could have made it flow better, but then again I'm rarely satisfied with my own stuff.

Currently writing a small expose about punkbuster and the differences between the different platforms for ET performance, gonna have to try and insert some satire in there, probably when talking about the "feel" of the game since that can't really be backed up with numbers
yessir, I remember taking both lit/lang mix and pure lit in high school and pure lit was noticeably better and definitely more enjoyable
yet you uk people fail to actually write the words as they are spelled, not as they are pronounced
as they are spelt*
thank you. I shall remember that in the future.
slang, or whatever it's called when people in different areas of a country talk differently. when i write in croatian on various websites, i rarely use the official croatian grammar. just take a look at any finnish forum and tell me how many people never make mistakes on purpose because of slang (i hope it's the same in finland like it is in croatia :P)
Finnish is a bit hard to write in slang, at least that is my knowledge of the language.
totally wrong on that part.
Well, euhm... with the importance of the endings in words, I thought it would be hard :)
im not talking about slang, im talking about clean mistake. for != four
_evan now has a boner
Even do I dislike you I have to say it, this journal is epic!
conclusion: it's easy to look smart when you can post in your native language.

edit: foiled by crossfire's unicode support o//
Depends, you can make yourself look like a total asshat too by making spelling errors and such.
good read Meez!

havent seen such a good journal in a while! keep up the good work.
This is probably the most creative and weirdest journal ever made at Crossfire :-d

Indeed, that so-called "sentence" made no sense at all.
Sure I did. I'm just not sure which one is better.

Maybe the ranking journal since the best player in ET's history was mentioned in it!
you really havent read anything from sock then.
exactly :D i didn't read this one because it doesn't look interesting enough, while i wouldn't miss any journal written by sock :D
well it's a good thing you skipped it because I didn't actually write anything

I wish I actually had shit to write about.
You sir, have waaaaaay too much time on ur (ow wait, your) hands
omfg :D

am i famous now btw? because i started the whole thing when i replied to perforator!
Congratz, you've just proven that you're a total retard!
I wasn't aware that needed proving!
I just caught myself wanting to write an essay on how much time you must have on your hands.
Maybe I'll read it when I don't feel as shit as I do right now :<<
sorry bro, whats up if you dont mind me asking

and yes I do have waaaaay too much time on my hands, on days where I don't pull shit like this, I usually just space out at my monitor for hours
Chickshit :<

sock fanboy? :o
Wow, Meez I must commend you on twarting me once again, I thought you couldn't possibly become anymore cool, but sir you have proved me wrong once again. Meez I love you

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
sup overgroove
gettin' down yo

started out this year as a lazy bum
spent all summer inside and glum
then hentai one day come with a prop-o-sition
and he put me into a nice pos-o-tion
one where I'd need plenty of amb-ition
gotta play EC yo its my first season
bored as fuck and i got no other reason
so i said yes and perfo came along
then there was kye with his massive schlong
sight was there too but you wouldn't-know-it
azatej joined too but he was-so-shit
eventually he got a clanbase ban
and he got flamed by many a fan
for him and tekoa spread the an-ti-cheats
with meez on the forums layin' down sick beats
but in the end of the day we know where its at
its snbattalion and we're only moderately fat

ya dig

snbattalion up in the sky
only with lio could we fly high
snbattalion raping face
playing EC to win first place

we recruited RK after kye went missing
and viax took the place of aza's puntastic dissing
so then came the playoffs and we praced and praced
worked on our skills as the teamplay stacked and stacked.
our first game against vae couldn't have gone any better
we played our positions right down to the letter
but lineup changes were on the plate again
as aza used his cat to mop up a cum stain
perfo was gone what were we gonna do
play with superstar hat ye you know who.
lost our game against zero emp-a-thee
an epic comeback they made on maps two and three
now our EC fate rests on but one final game
unlucky for replay, they have the same
but we wish them GOOD-LUCK in our final battle
as on the gamestv comments punters start to prattle

snbattalion up in the sky
only with lio could we fly high
snbattalion raping face
playing EC to win first place
win first place
win first place

peace out yo homies
Officially better than your ET:QW song :D

if you make an mp3 it should be all

"Step one you make your beta hard to play"

*SCCCCCCCHHHH -insert scratch sounds-*

Sup overgroove
gettin' down yo


i like your style.
you promised an mp3
dont you have better things to do

n/o btw :<
killerboy took his throne
shut the fuck up, you must
I found it interesting and fun to read tbh :) n1
literary analysis... how ironic :)
meez = poor mans sock
best line in this entire thread :D
old news
Ok you officially have no life, congratulation !
apologies for any grammatical slips and breaks in flow

you missed the part where you basically said 3 lines worth over 50 lines and wasted everyone's time adding in complete shite that wasn't needed.
duh that was the objective

I just wanted to throw abuse
now that's a nice example of having too much time and being bored.
(I like this one, too: )
mission: look smart on interwebz

status: accomplished
Another impressive journal from meez, pages long, that literally goes _nowhere_.
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