Rec 2007

Just saw it with zeto ...
Fucking crazy shit :/ not recommendable for people with heartproblems XD

Edit: It's a spanish speaking movie, but that gave it a little more edge :)
I already watched it a while back. Wasn't bad imo. Worth a watch.
is it better as the new 2008-remake?
ps: afaik its portuguese and not spanish
what FinlandMind said !
looks alite. if you got a link for it, hit me up
dident watch it but look nice,
the one where they run around the stairs on some multifloor building? imo it was terrible, wasnt exciting on any occasion.

edit: the trailer seemed interesting, thus I watched the movie :(

Quote by Some Guy @ imbd for the 2008 versionYou could watch this if you don't mind someone using a shaky camcorder to video tape a fireman who has several rabies infected people just jump infront of him long enough for him to beat the crap out of him. But that was basically the whole movie. You know a movie is bad when the last scene of the movie was captured in the commercial. The video was shaky, hard to follow, and had little or no story line. After a while the movie was just drawn out by following a fireman around with a camera, and I just wanted to leave the theatre - but I didn't but should've

Don't waste your time or money, worst horror movie I've seen in a long time (and I regularly watch some pretty bad low budget movies)
luz maria fell in love in carloz puto, who actually was a zombie and ate her.
the end.
I have seen it and i got heartproblems but i didnt die. IT was great movie though
I think its one of the better scary movies of the last years.
not scary but rly nice to watch with girls :D
Tell him to stop running around with the aim at the floor. :-D
Seems like a dawn of the dead / cloverfield mix to me.
Please, that was horrible. Just like The Blair Witch Project. The girl was just freaking out all the time "don't listen to them, we have the permission so don't stop filming blablabla" + no real end. + I hate when the camera is shaking, it doesn't even add anything to the film. + It wasn't scary at ALL.
Quot from zeto @ sms: Kheb bang, kan ni slapen ;-(

Tviel ng goe mee ze :), kheb geslpen als een roosje
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