Careers advice

Let DJ Tim Westwood decide what you do with the rest of your life!
It ended up on what I'm actually doing :D
he says i should become a barkeeper :<
haha he told me to become a "Sergeant Major cause im big in the military game"!
i cant understand what the fuck hes saying

edit ROFL got the same as you :D
n1, i should be a sheep dog :XD
astronaut, sweet!
I am overeducated for a radio-DJ. Didn´t hear what my career should be.
no sound :( just kept pressing yes :P
a software engineer
damn, he crashed
cherry picker
A dog trainer...
Olympic diver?
A dog trainer! Cause i love cats!

I hate cats and dogs for that matter
sergeant major brb quitting college
Synchronized olympic swimmer eh? It doesn't sound like much of a "career".
a software engineer
he told me I should be a radio 1 dj
can't be any worse than him!
dog trainer, cool, I'm leaving my job right now!!
Cake taster :]
"you sound quite musical, maybe you should try the french horn"

what the fuck

edit: 2nd try

"you strike me as somebody who is good with birds, maybe you should become a pigeon fancier"

He told me to get aids and die 8[
cake taster?
i have to marry with a football player, gzus ;o
me too 8-G
cake taster wtf

I hate that guy also this wigga.
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