My 1st Journal

So, I've never written a journal before & Crossfire has the facility so I thought "why not?"

For those of you who don't know me (that's probably alot), I'm a Scotland Scottish gaming noob who goes by the name "Seanza." I am the man behind Europe Explanation eSports. Some will tell you I'm liked, most will tell you I'm hated it. It's all fun n games :D

I think I'll start on a very controversial topic: ETQW

For those of you who read this (especially those who dislike ETQW), I wanna know "What's so crap about ETQW?" Is it because it's not free? Is it because your PC can't run it? Is it because you don't like vehicles? Or is it for some other reason? Maybe like your friends don't play it so you have nobody to play it with?

I play ETQW, & I know the learning curve is probably quite steep for alot of people. I personally think the problem with ETQW (competitively atleast) was that it was just "too little too late" in attracting players.

I know alot of you have played ETQW & left, but I don't know the individual reason. I'm curious if any of you have considered coming back? We all know Germany hannes- here, and I'm sure most of us are aware he's been working on ETQWPro which has come a long, long way since it's earlier versions. It's almost "complete" now imo, just a couple more tweaks and all should be well.

I'm gonna throw this out here and say: why don't some of you guys come back to ETQW? Just to try it, & try the latest version of ETQWPro, I'll post some links n stuff at the bottom so you know where to get things from, some useful servers & whatnot.

From a personal point of view, I'd like to see alot of teams coming back into ETQW, I never got the chance to play against the best (except only mamut these days). I do expect alot of flame for this post, but I'm hoping it can be more constructive criticism about the game than flaming me for posting this.

So I will wrap up for now, and below are some "useful" links.

- Seanza

ETQWPro Server List
Explanation eSports Website

Feel free to add me ingame as "Seanza" if you decide to start playing again. I have a public ETQWPro server running with the current 4v4 & 6v6 Clanbase rulesets votable. Just type "connect" into your console to join that server.

e: LOL? 1st in your 1st journal? OMG? me leet (1337)
In before ET:QW hate.
I also do not understand why ETQW is hated that much.

I like the game.
i think ETQW is one of the best games ever!!!1 but it need more active
QuoteI play ETQW, & I know the learning curve is probably quite steep for alot of people. I personally think the problem with ETQW (competitively atleast) was that it was just "too little too late" in attracting players.

You can also coun't in fantastic engine which requires several game restarts just to get in etqwpro mod and then on some custom map. If that would be as easy as for W:ET, then probably the game would have three times or more active competition scene. ;X

In any other ways I feel that after ETQWPRO 1.0 release (for which hannes now is working (is he?)) and that will also make somekind of stagnation in scene.

Anyways, I do better play ETQW with rather small but really friendly community, not W:ET with cheaters more than clean players. ;<
Well, the game only restarts once to load ETQWPro. What I suggest you do, if that's an issue is set the shortcut on your desktop to launch ETQWPro.

Quote"D:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\etqw.exe" +set fs_game etqwpro
Make a shortcut for mod.

Also at very worst you should only restart twice if go onto custom map on ET:QW Pro server when you start game in vanilla and to be fair, a 2-5 second restart I can live with.

The restarts are there to prevent the kind of shit that happened in ET when you downloaded skin packs from one server and it knackered up your game on another server and so on.

They some good customs now also that worth trying out.
Well, for high-end systems maybe that's 2-5 seconds, but for specs as they're for me (see profile, lol!) it takes up to 15-25 seconds. :(

Anyway, any new CB ladder or any other cup where could be included finally some custom maps could refresh the old and the boring standard map grinding all the time! :)
stopped reading when i saw ET:QW
Hmmm, that's ashame. Why did ET:QW make you stop reading?
stopped reading when i saw the flag of usa
but hes a hustler
Hold on a minuite.... this isnt a journal!

Theres no whine, latest cheatbusting, crazy pictures or full on retardation!!!!!
Atleast link to some youtube video before you call it a crossfire journal!
Since its your first journal I guess its accepted, but for future journals you should post youtube links, and the more times they have been posted here the better.

How good your journal is depends on the amount of "old" you get from other users!
Hahahaha, ok!
np<3 gl in the future X:D
Nice job, good journal.

I give you this in exchance. <---typo?

image: 549281511

EDIT: OMFG, just read your journal, it is about ETQW, what a fail...
Haha, nice pic, thx. Funny comment too :)
only thing I dislike are the lags which seem to be unexplainable and unavoidable when playing ETQWpro on linux.

I haven't played in weeks but this journal makes me want to try it again.
try seta bse_simple 1
thanks will try it!
You totally missed the point in Crossfire journals. That feature is there to publish youtube videos, discuss recent soccer matches or accuse someone else of cheating. But you are a noob, you shall be forgiven.
I liked the game and I even brought a new gfx to play it but the force of ET is strong within. Plus I only play once-twice a week now. But it could of easily been a very good game but in this day and agae people don't want to work with a game to improve it!They want the best right away, but ET was not the best it could be right away and it took time before it was good.
->1st rule on xfire: don't make serious journals
Member For: 11 days

so stfu dont blame him he did it good
Member For: 5 months and 25 days

stfu dont tell him what to do

e: next member for >2yrs pls
Member For: 1 year, 1 month and 6 days stfu don't tell him what to do..
Member For: 3 years, 5 months and 10 days

rofl dont tell him what to do
u failed

e: next member for >2yrs pls
lol my other account of >4 years is banned :)
2nd rule on xfire: don't take the internet too serious.
pretty much the opposite...
image: 1849933352_ad036ef24a
hello and welcome
Hey :)

thx <3
I was thinking that, but with this being my 1st "article" of any sort (except for a news post i made a few months ago for tourney announcement), so I didn't wanna get flamed with comments such as "wtf? you think this is good enough for a column? it's etqw!" So safest bet was personal journal.

For those of you who read this (especially those who dislike ETQW), I wanna know "What's so crap about ETQW?"

Is it because it's not free? Is it because your PC can't run it? Is it because you don't like vehicles? Or is it for some other reason? Maybe like your friends don't play it so you have nobody to play it with?
I can upload my low settings cfg if that would help.

4v4 Ruleset is infantry so no vehicles, maybe worth a try (yey) and maps like Salvage & Volcano are awesome, no vehicles there.
+ movement isn't like the best game ever!
Help: E**my T*r*itorry
Meh, I like the movement. And I find the game fun.
stopped reading here: controversial topic: ETQW
Hmmm, that's ashame. Why did "controversial topic: ETQW" make you stop reading?
because of the 'etqw'

ETQW sux0rz for you? But why?
cause its sci-fi
And ET isn't? I usually take 1 or 2 headshots irl per day glad I die only from 3!
never heard of 50 cent? + sci-fi and being realistic is not rly the same imo
But he got shot 9 times! :P
Hmmm, I didn't even think on it like tbh. But good point. Thing is, I'm not a fan of sci-fi at all, Star-trek, Star Wars blah blah blah, it's all bs to me. But ETQW is fun, imo.
so do you recommend for those who hadnt posted their first journal to do so?
Yeah, I think the comments I've received are alot more supportive & positive than I anticipated.
Spamming Attentionwhore :O

But further, the reason that ETQW failed is that ETQWPRO came after the game was failed in the eyes of ET players.
Yup, exactly. Which is a clarification of what I meant when I said "too little, too late", it's a damn shame really.
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