Youtube HD

Well, not quite, but some recent videos have been popping up on youtube that are more than watchable in fullscreen.

Obviously, it's no Stage6, but for flash video this is pretty damned good. &fmt=22
edit: found some non-animeshit (recommended):

This isn't the same as that fmt=18 slightly higher-res stuff, it's clearly being encoded in a different way.

Seriously. Fuck... Hope this becomes common place. Now all they need to is stop the audio sounding so shitty.

edit2: found a comparison shot

image: youtube
Jeah my life would be different, indeed.
Would be nice :>
You spelt commonplace wrong
its a metaphor for life and such, the two words split when they should be joined, just like humankind, etc etc
I fink you have a point their.
The above one is also crappy. Stupid gradient at the left, but thats thanks to the converter lulz rite.
yeah, recognized it 1 month ago. nice.

why do you like this fucking manga so much?
meez u watch the most stupidest shows/episodes ever!
edit: maybe chinkys turn you on or sumin :/
Nips > Chinks if you want to go by that term.
Japanese women are supersexy
resolution is bigger when going to fullscreen? normal it decrease to 600x480 or smth, but with your vid its a much higher resolution
anime porn only but all chinks have dirty bushy muffins u sick cunt!
how to compress an avi like that?
more HD anime plz
Looks infinitely better than the usual Youtube quality
best day of my life so far
QuoteNow all they need to is stop the audio sounding so shitty.

These 720p clips have 44 kHz AAC audio encoded at 232 kbps, should be more than adequate quality-wise.
fuck youtube :X

and stop watching anime its senseless in your case
Meez - fixing the internet as best he can.

Fucking love you man.
thought the saying was "if theres hair on the muff she's old enough"
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