jetro poll

Do you think jetro still uses cheats?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Whos cares about jetro?

Put an x in the box!

Edit: nice suggestion cupper!
the demo is 1/2 days old. ofc he still cheats in those terms.

but he'll have to stop, or face another 12months.
who cares
o my god o my god o my god
yeah, and hes a fag
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[x] Who's jetro?
[x] Yes

QuoteDo you think wiesiek still uses cheats?

[x] No
[] yes
[] no
[x] pussy
He cheated at least
no need for poll about freshly banned player. obvious proof
[X] No.....
Ban whoever started this thread for being so fucking stupid.
who the fuck cares
what ceres said
Old news, cb has decided...
anyone who thinks that jetro didn't cheat is fucking blind or naive and should never comment on any cheats-related topic again.
hes innocent
that was clear wh on that avi
[x ] Whos cares about jetro?
yes, i got proofs :ooooooooooo
[x] Hopefully
dont care bout cheating, he's a retard anyway :p
jetro who?
did he cheated with aestas already?
[x] i liked him before he got busted the first time!
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[x] Who's jetro?

[x] You are nerds
[ ] Yes
[x ] No
[ ] Whos cares about jetro?
he got busted yesterday, seriously if you think that the demo is worthless you should die in a carfire :XD
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