ESL Prize

QuoteDear ESL Major Series Season 2 Prize Money winners,

I regret to inform you that the prize money payments for the second season of the ESL Major Series will be further delayed to March 2009 at the earliest.

The reason for this is that we must stagger our prize money payments for all our tournaments globally. We are trying to pay out as many players and teams from as many tournaments as possible and at the moment EMS2 is planned for next March.

I am sorry that this is by far not the 3 months that was originally said, and I also apologise to those who were told earlier this month that payments would be made last weke. At the time that was stated, that was the current plan.


Antony 'TheRogue' Seedhouse
Tournament Director ESL Major Series

great, just great.

QuoteDave says:
make yourself look like a douche
expected ;d
stop whining aleks, fucking noob.
now get the delay for ec money and compare it :)
Well this e-mail basicly states that we can forget about the money.
how much would you get anyway?
Better be put to good use Aleks.
Wanted to produce that Dave Album.
Don't tell him though, we can make it a nice little suprise for him. Might take a while though, theres like 200 songs.

not true, money always arrives
Quote by Antony 'TheRogue' Seedhouseor pretty good, like cpl, a bad organisation shutting down is better than a bad organisation still doing damage

shouldn't you be cheating or something? :)

I admit, the only good thing CGS did was pay money on time, I do my best to try and make that happen for ESL, much easier for CGS when it's a toy project of a billion dollar company
Caps' and an exclamation mark not enough for you? :<
please use <sarcasm> tags, it's part of the w3c xhtml 1.2 specification
that sucks
esports dying
the economy :<
how much will you actually receive? like 40-50 euros?
Lazio on 19/11/08, 20:01:10 PM | Reply

200 €
200/6= 33 each jeuj
so what, if we're going to lan 200€ worth of drinks is still smth.
atleast they inform u so they might actually pay eventually unlike cb & some others
Doubt its gonna happen, final game was 27.08
sjaans dawe toen verloren hemme van ulle, nu moete we tenminste nie op geld wachten :D

oh, wacht... :p
you will get the money, we have always paid, feel free to contact any of the teams and players in the 100s (maybe a thousand? or thousands) of prize winning tournaments we have ran in the last 10 years
I hope, its just such an dissapointement after the great cup by the "new" admins of esl ET.
Its just so opposite of their performance, and gives them a bad reputation while theyve done a great job.
I know, I hate how the late prize money reflects on my admins which is why I'm doing as much communication about the bad news myself so they don't get the flame, I do (even though it's not my fault either)
atleast it will arrive :( you can be sure about that
who cares about money, play for fun :D
LAZIO TRAKTEERT IN MAART 2009, staat genoteerd :)
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