A question for nonix/n00n

:D Good morning guys. Well, I need to do something different to change my routines a litle bit, so i decided that im going to sign up at some nice gymnasium at my city (25€/month.. i can go there all days, except sunday, everytime i want).

I would like to get a litle bit "large" (define my muscles). I think i have a +/- nice bodie.. i just need to work it out.

20 Years
1.72 m
63 kg
Me @14 years old | Me @ september 2008 (as you can see im not soo good right now.. havent been doing anything lately)

So, Im looking for some nice program to do at gym, and a healthy food program.

And btw, why do you take proteins etc (no steroids)? This expensive / non healthy right? Whats the difference that you notice?

Thanks in advance.
sdlanod cam workout works good.
I avoid those kind of comments. Feel free to delete.
But ITS treu look @ google and type program for gym something like that and you will find it ,OMFGIAMGOOD?!
depends what's more important to you, muscles or dick length ;) if it's muscles, steroids cannot possibly fail :D
Like i said, i would to get larger(chest) using some healthy way (no pills n stuff.. bur i dont..)
Steroids are for looks only :(
depends what's more important to you, muscles or dick length ;) if it's muscles, steroids cannot possibly fail :D

i laughed so hard.steroids at age 20 = bigtime fail at 40
One russian bodybuilder started using steroids at age of 12 :-)
my point wasn't about the age but the fact that u get muscles quickly but also at the age of 40 all ur muscles look like 100 kg of fat since these muscles aren't the same as done with hard work and proper food
and i won't even talk about russian steroids since it's suicide
You are like most people here. Muscles don't come out of nowhere. The reason why bodybuilders use steroids is that it will help them to progress through their own limits, and its stupid to think that people who don't use steroids, have to work harder
steroids aren't as bad as people make out according to the cdc (centre for disease control) steriods isn't even in the the top 140 for killing people.
i watched that movie too :XD
:D it's good tho isn't makes u look at steroids in a different way, i would never use them, cost and shit but my mate does and he looks good now
sadly, if you'll eat what you want and ull train hard

you'll be fat with muscles = fail

just like that main guy in movie :)
the main guy didn't take steroids it was his 2 brothers that did
i know

hes stil lfat :D
Eirik's the one and only gym man.
not, you forgot SioN who is going everyday everyweek everymonth!
phworrrrrrrrrrrrrr sexy boi l0lol
With those protein shakes etc, don't they just give you more energy, speed up the process of getting bigger muscles and shit (don't know the right term : D)

I use the home gym stuff we got (multigym, cross trainers, weights, ab toners) can't be bothered going to the gym here, too many retards go there. I don't bother with special food programs either l0lol
Btw boi means masculine cow at Portuguese xD
And im not sexy :<
I decide to go to gym because some neighbors usually go there to.. so i can go and comeback with them ;)
Some company too. Just too many pill heads and people on the juice in our gyms.
I'd like to join my old athletics club again or martial arts (only had 2 years exp in taekwondo but was really rewarding and nice outcome [looks wise]) Nearest Muay Thai gym is 50 mins away :(
My PT is limit :( I think the most important thing I learned was Onde fica o bar mais proximo :D
"and people on the juice in our gyms"

How do you know that ?:p
Because I know them {:
yes it does, boi=ox ahah :D
(és um boi agora é? xD tens de esperar uns mesitos pra ganhar peso ahah :P)
(é o que eu quero.. ficar largo pk axo k tenho estrutura ossea para isso.. resta trabalhar o corpo :P )
Good luck*

*trying to stop being an ass :(*
Its always the same. Skinhead like :P I hate big hair.
:P Hair is nice! Anyway good luck, if I had the energy to go to the gym I would go too.
Well, this year i have a nice university schedule (Only monday from 11-13, wednesday from 8.15 - 14, friday from 8.15 - 12), so i have to do something else, outside the house (its good for my mind... cant stay there so much time)
As you can see i have alot of time / energy to waste :P
once u start going 4/5 days a week theres no turning back :( trust me
Private Message
i like ur 2nd pic :p
if you want to grow you have to eat atleast 2g/bodywight protein (thats 126g)
and 4-6g/bodywight carbohyrdate(ch) (thats around 350 g), fat from peanuts like 50-100g daily (100% fat)

some help:
chicken breast 25% protein
rice 70% ch

Ofcourse you can replace these with other quality foods.
Hi :)
Do you know some good program, or website where i can check everything?
I think my food is +/- healthy, eventhough i eat too much rice and soap.

I dont wanna "grow" (get bigger?). I just wanna "define" my chest muscles, and also the legs (get some muscles because they sucks :X )
soap ? :U not rly healthy !
soup is not bad, there is a vitamins but useless for bodybuilders because there is ltivitamin packs and that is much "stronger". anyway soap has no protein and ch thats the problem, only water :D
oh nonix :DDD
I read soup :DD
mm.. i think its the correct word..

oops.. its not xDDDDDD i mean this -> http://novohamburgo.org/blogs/jacorudi/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/sopa.jpg
Lies, you replied the same time as me :')))))))))))))))))))))))

to be honest, doesnt matter what you do in the gym just make that hard and properly, go 3-4 times a week. First month you should do only full body training then change to separate program, like chest/shoulder day etc

I know a site but hungarian.
thanks for the suggestion. Anyway 4 days a week seems alot to me xD i dont know if i can kind enough motivation for that :s
Going to signup at next week.. :)
you dont have to train more than 1 hour, personally i train in 4day+1rest day and my workout is maxmum 45 mins long. Anyway, everybody has different program.
yeah, 1 hour max here.
Anyway it gonna hurt at the 1st week :DDD like i said i havent been done anything, so my muscles will hurt :X
If your really serious about it, and dont mind spending a bit of money, go to the gym and get them to make you a plan most (all?) gyms will do this for you, but prices can vary from like £10, too stupid amounts.
I think we dont pay for the plan at the gym that im thinking about :) Plus the owner of the gymn is from the same family of one of my best female friends :P
Well, they'll offer personal trainers defintly, get an hour in with one of them, theyll be able to look at you and tell you what you should be doing (What machines/freeweight levels etc), and just ask them what you should be eating. Its not easy for people to do just from looking at a photo of you, changes from person to person really.
True!! On internet you can say only basic things.
oh my hero :$ :o
I seem to have a lot of carbohydrates (bread + potatoes) no idea how much protein as I only eat fish. Do I meet the requirements? :(
english food !

but anyway it can be hard to take enough ch from potato (20% ch), and bread is not good, only the whole-wheat bread and that is not that cheap !

fish is a perfect protein (20%)
I'm just a very fussy eater (and allergic to a lot of foods and nuts) :(((((
And I'd like to call it Wales food not England :'))
everything sid i guess
first month should be a full body train i guess. just to get the muscles and body used to the waight and movements.

after that a 3 split would be fine

and btw shakes are nice too.. alot of carbohydrates and "calories". but also much fat on your stomach :x

what about these nuts? whats so special with the fat of nuts?
nuts has quality fat i dunno the right word for it but they are not "full fat" like in pig. do you get it?:p
Ye thats ecactly what i wanted to ask too:
Somr nuts got these special fat..but which one?
Still need to google what is so special on their fat :P
Cause i drink twice a day a mass stack (bsn true mass) which already gives me too much fat :x
peanut is 100%fat and all that kind of nutrition is like: almond, pistachio etc..

BUT monkey-peanut is very cheap and taste good :p (make sure you buy without salt

I found they word: UNsaturated fat, this is what you need. also you can buy lenseed oil very heatlhy ! drink 10-40 ml daily instead of bad saturated foods
ye read about tha oil already :)
i buy californian nuts, it has about 5-6 kind of nuts in the package ;)
but its pretty expensive
I'm skinny as shit :v But my brother goes to the gym a few times a week, runs, eats a high protein diet & the occasional whey protein shake 'n in a year or so he's turned into a right muscular freak. The shit :(
too bad he would be twice bigger if he wouldnt "run"
depends how much he runs and eats
ye, but run when you bulk up is very catabolic, i mean can be
it is, but not if u run like 15 minutes
eat every 3 hours,
train hard,
do a trainingplan in ur gym with a trainer
I already eat every 3 hours since ever :P i cant eat to much at same time :\
if u have a food plan and eat every 3 hours, be sure u take something like 25 gr of protein every meal, that makes like 125/150 gr in a whole day
how can i check the percentage of proteins of smth? I mean at rice for example..
check the packages of the food u buy there is always info about proteins, carbo and fat
CH that you should eat: rice(70%), whole-wheat bread (70%), lens (60%), potato (20%), italian pasta (around 60-70%), cereal (60%)
white bread is bad! no fiber in it and high GI index
thats what i would like to know..

Do you have some kind of daily schedule? ( i mean eat X and Y at 8, eat Y and Z at 10.. etc etc.. ) would be nice if you could provide this to me
rofl I thought it said 14 somewhere, didn't read your name... Lul what Nonix said then, but I'd still advise 3x a week, except your planning on cycling something :)

[e] Oh and make sure it's a full body workout, most people just work their upper body but it's more beneficial to train legs as well as it puts the most testosterone in the blood which is really going to speed up things in the long run. :>
Im 20 :) I just showed 2 pictures to see the difference (im not that good right now :< comparing 6 years ago)
Gotta excuse me I've grown a habit of overflying journals, kinda get annoyed a lot by most things here :x
By they way asking protein is heatly or not is stupid because you dont ask in the shop "is milk healthy?" (anyway milk isnt) but the protein in milk is. called whey. Drink that after workout with dextrose (grape sugar) in 50-50% ratio (40g-40g)
as already said , U need more protein ( meat, milk , cheese , nuts , fish )
but U have to eat lots of carbohydrates as well ( like cereals , grains, muesli & stuff ) in proportions like
proteins + carbohydrates @ tripple amount of proteins
to have proteins being proplerly & fully consumed by your body
25e/month??? wtf :D here in finland it's more like 250e/month :s
dont kiding me, i go to a not the cheapest gym and its around 40E
I checked the prize of my gymcard and it's 300e/3months, though it includes aerobic :P
watch out Jay Cutler is hiding there !
rofl :D At the best gymn of my city we pay 25€+ can go 5 days a week + saturday morning... + sauna
bullshit, for a year probably :P
i recommend steroids :)
Not more then 3x a week and I strongly advise not to take any creatin or protein shakes in your age, regardless what they tell you at the gym. Your testosterone and growth hormones levels are so high all you need is proper nutrition and a training routine. What you can take is a multivitamin and mineral supplemet + vitamin C.
'dont take protein in your age', wtf :D
He should start without till he hits a plateau after a year or so, when your that young you don't need them imo, you eat like a motherfucker anyways and usually the best to start out with is to learn how to eat right. I just think it's better if he learn about his body and what makes it grow before he starts eating loads of protein and in the end doesn't get anything from it.. just my opinion :/
Im not that young anyway. I have 1.72m + 63 kg since 4 years.. im not growing anymore :<
Protein shake is the easies and fastes way to get quality aminos for your body after a wokrout. I understand what are you saying, of course a turmix wont replace tha proper eating but it can be a little help, it's for prefessional bodybuilders and beginers as well.
where do you buy proteins n stuff? it is expensive?

I am sure there is some bodybuilder's shop in your city! Buy "whey protein" not anything else that the shopman want to force you, like wheight geiners because 70% only sugar.
Maximuscle Progain Extreme is a vert effective gainer, and top quality.
Too bad you piss it out anyway.
would be nice if you wouldnt, you just eat 4 kg protein and you are much stronger lol :D
You don't piss out proteins the body needs/can use.
Then why use these supplements?
Because when workload of the muscle increases it goes into hypertrophy and will expand in cell mass. It needs proteins to do this and thus eating extra proteins will help the muscles get the extra "building stones" it needs to expand.
Did you read that off the bottle? :D
I study medicine, so no.
I would have thought studying medicine you would be more aware of clinical tests on such products.

You should really read around your subject.
Hows this my subject? All I know is how the body works and how some diseases fuck it up. I don't do fitness nor do I use proteinshakes. All I can tell you is that if the proteins you drink are useable for the body they will use and and not piss it out. I also said the body needs extra proteins to cope with the hypertrophy of the body.
QuoteI study medicine, so no.

You were the one who pointed out said irrelevant fact.

And I said around, not about.
Shuki on 20/11/08, 19:18:46 PM | Reply

Did you read that off the bottle? :D

RandomCanadian on 20/11/08, 19:19:23 Del | Edit | Reply

I study medicine, so no.
Quote Hows this my subject?
Proteinshakes are hardly a subject we study.
Fairly stupid of you to mention it then!
What is fairly stupid of me to mention? You ask how I know this -> I answer I'm studying medicine. I've not said anything about if the protein shakes actually work or not now have I?
Then why are you replying to me?
QuoteToo bad you piss it out anyway.

You said that and it wasn't true.
It was an exaggeration which is mostly correct.
because whey protein is the fastest after workout, and it has high amino profile , glutamine, BCAA etc
cottage cheese, tuna fish or chicken is the protein u need about 30-45 min after training
did you know you train better with a banana up your ass?
what is ur point...ppl like making pointless comments should be banned
cottage cheese is very good, but casein is slow protein so he should it that before sleep not after workout
might be true, i usually ate boiled chickin after workout but the 45 min thing is kinda needed if u want to actually grow since the muscle cells or whatever they are called will first start decaying and if u get ur protein from the food u eat then it will start reproducting themmassively for a while and then it will go to normal production back that's why u had to eat protein after workout and in about 30 - 45 min.
Am I correct? sorry for engrish
correct, After workout i drink my protein shake in 10 mins and in 1 hour (or as fast as i can) I eat a proper food. This is the most important eating.
Eat alot of chicken and brown rice or brown pasta ;)

You need to bulk so just eat as much as posible :) Avoid bad fats

And buy some supplements :P

Maybe whey > take 20 gram in the morning and 20 gram @ night

or Monodrythe Creatine capsules > Those are the best imo you dont need any break inside :P

GL :)

Im busy with lowering fat :P
going to a gym is overrated
just read a comment about wanking and growing muscle article

"thanks… I always wondered about that. When I was in jail all the guys said not to do it because you lose protein and testosterone.. guess that’s why they’re in jail.. complete dumbasses.

It defenitely decreases my nrg pre-work out tho. As long as it isn’t messing with my test/protein levels thats cool.


Just buy Superman Inflato Suit you little pussy!!
I didn't read whole shit, but buy some creatine and remember to eat. make some week you just do series like 3x10 and some series 1x8,1x6,1x4,1x2, then series 3x4/3. for maxium power. Take it per week.
Gene doping is the future
maybe u could pm them moron
you forgot to say drink a lot of beer at the weekend :p
and gain moar fat!
eat every 2-3 hours, train your whole body with simple moves like deadlift, squat and benchlift, remember to rest and depending on your program, 3-4 times per week is enough.
been going to gym 6 days a week for 2 hours each evening for the last 2 months and tbh i haven't seen any improvement...
u won't see that big improvement in such a short time though u should notice something and feel better imo, at least i did feel better after gym
and the taller you are the harder to get big muscles how sad it is : /
ye my condition spiked but more muscles? dno...
its not harder to get muscles if u are taller :D, your muscles are still big =D
your muscles is just longer if u know what i mean, goes faster for a shorter guy to get width on the muscles, so u can see them more clearly.

bad enGliSh Np
come on now...
you are not doing it :O

ho ho ho
thats 12 hours a week :D You did it wrong to be fucking honest :D

I go to gym 3 hours per 5 days so guess what you did there: CATABOLISM

you just simply overtrain yourself and did nothing USEFUL
opposite of Anabolism (when you grow muscle)
so you're saying i should slow down?

my nutrition sucks balls though
Definitely YES.

Train 3-4 days, 1 hour and start to eat properly. growning muscle is 70% of the eating and 30% workout, atleast this is what bigs said. An I can say they were right about it.
sounds logical :)

although i do love french fries and shit :<
Typical Belgian!
at least we have some DECENT food!
I'm sorry are the BELGIAN fries? :D
Ur muscles have to rest.
Do like:
Monday: gym (I do chest + biceps)
Tuesday: trying to relax & and sleep more
Wednesday: gym (I do back + triceps)
Thursday: same as tuesday
Friday: gym (I do shoulder + leg)
You can do aero/cardio training whenever you want.
I don't do cos I havent got modality to do it.
And a good feeding would be also good for you. I can't do it either 8D
I don't really need to train my legs cause they are like twice as trained as my upper body
a decent and effective training is 45mins to max 1.5 hours, 4 times a week(1 day off each time)
mine is the same. i said the same "I go to gym 3 hours per 5 days "

i have 4 days training then a rest day and start again, I never train more than 1 hour and usually i stop at 45 mins.

4*45 = 3 hours in 5 days :p

anyway this only 1 rest day not true sometimes because when i feel to stop for 1 day i dont hesitate
why not 1 day 1 not?
because i am on a new level !
Anyway everybody has different training program, the besic is 1 day 1 not. Good when you train 2 body part, But now I am doing a 1) Leg 2) Back 3) chest-shoulder 4) Bipeps-Triceps program. As you see I start with the biggest muscle and going down then rest day before the leg. It works fine to me.
yeah 4-split is the best imo.
Do u repeat it every week or 5-6 days?
You do know u have to use the machines there, right ?
for the start ye, but individual weights are more effective than the machines...
What Machines? Just go in there and knock some cunts up aleks.
<re-play|griim> but i still managed to do some work and go to the gym, so it hasnt been a waste of a day
<Rewolf> hahaha
<Rewolf> nice
<`Sean> Dave tanking those guns
<`Sean> as per
<`Sean> as per
afaik 2 hours ar too much for a training, train maximal 70-80 minutes and dont forget dextro+whey after the training
and why do u train 6 times/week? isnt that too much?
isn't dextro a form of doping?

i once ate 2 packs of the dextro sugar and my muscles were totally overloaded at the end of the day, although i did get a boost in energy at the moment itself
dextro is a sugar, not a doping, u need it to make ur insulin level high again, because it fells during the training,
so why dextro`? because it works quickly
sweet :) and the energy drinks also work, like aquarius?
just buy maltodextrin and put about 80 Percent/ur body weight/ gr in ur postworkout drink
grape sugar is just a very basic sugar that rize explained above :)
I thing i still have some of my "workout plans" some where.. I try to find them later today. They were more about getting in good shape than building muscles.
what a lol, if you are going to a gym, you have a trainer there, why will u listen to some jerks who went there few times and thinks they are so great?
and yeah, im studying this shit with my bro and trainer, learning new stuff everyday
not all trainers ar competent in this shit and tell every important things.
why they work there then :o i don't know if im lucky or not but i have 2 awesome trainers teach me everything i need :P bro helps a lot in home
just go to a gym and speak with trainers.
U will see most of them know shit.
They can only do good programms to make u fit.
They work there coz they know something about sport, can make u a trainingprogramm and of course they almost speak like they r very interested about ur life and so.
In really they just try to get u into their fitness
i just said that im lucky the ones i have are experienced, this is so sad to hear that some trainers don't know shit...
yes, the worst thing is, u get a feeling like u got all infos from a trainer, but in really he didnt say u the important once.
At this place its really much better, to get infos from somebody, who is doing bodybuilding too instead of some fitness students who know shit about it and themselv dont do a muscle building.
yeah ofcourse, mine are around 32 the age, been working 15-20 years (bro is nubcake only 12~ :o)
A lot of trainer know shit, and give you useless informations. So I guess its not that bad if he listen to me or someone else who knows something about it.
Quotelearning new stuff everyday



except for the fact that you're 24/7 nolife refresher jew
atleast i don't claim to be an expert in everything

172 cm and 63 kg ?:D

go live with keNta and u'll see masive effects ( breakfast,dinner,supper CU@MCDONALD)
whats wrong?
I think its kinda ok for my age :)
i didnt say its wrong...just go talk with kenta:D
why? :D i dont like sick/nerd ppl :D
yhm well...nevermind;D
i thought u was taller :)
im small too, 173 cm
i would love to be taller :< but somehow i stopped to get bigger when i reached the 14 years old :s im the same since then... 63 kg + 172cm :x
i stopped at 14/15 too lol
check if ur not dead :d
seems hes not xD
:D absolutely alive
it's ok but you should have 70kg, it would be the optimal weight for you imo :P
at least it's what the theory say, in the case that you don't work out and don't bulk up..
Yes that's right.. but i think that im ok like that (not fat.. not slim )
check out the videos from this guy for a good workout (chest bicep), works really good for me
1st is not a beginner exercise
hahah rofled @ pirate pic
this link made my day, tkx!!!
Im still laughing xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
staring at a wall is more fun then gym
cant belive ppl can endure it
without any pills it will be a long long painfull way :xD
Just go to the gym and eat healthy :)
image: 2inbm9

You too have potential
who cares about muscles, care about being swift and strong instead
true, i feel so fucking weak myself
no, you will feel weak when somebody puts a needle in your balloon
how can i put a picture here .. :< likwe [insert pic][/here]
how much can u lift on the bench ?
secret, and doesn matter
it does but i guess not as much as u would like to if u are not telling :P
exactly ! I stopped to train for half year guess what happend. I just started again.
100kg, but I am 70kg only (bulking up mass) and I am not tall 175
dude please gtfo with your lame insults
get sex!
Since you are so tiny you should eat as much as u can and work out, you are probably going to raise in weight and when you think you got a lot of muscles, a year or smth, you should start lose weight to make ur muscles more visible. While you are loosing weight to make ur muscles more visible there is a chance that you lose some muscles too cuz you caloriedeficit and you are probably not going to lift as much as u did when you were in caloriesurpluse..

The best way to build muscles is to be in "calorie-suprpluse" = get more calories than u burn.
It's possible to build muscles while being in caloriedeficit, atleast in the beginning of your caréer, that's why bodybuilders usually "bulk-up" untill its time for competition. It's usually atleast in sweden that you bulk-up during autumn, winter and start burning fat in aprill or smth so you got a nice body when it's time for beach =)
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