interesting scientists

I have to make a presentation on a scientist for college, but it's not for a science class, so it has to be somebody who'd be interesting to the average person (e.g. nothing too confusing.)

I was wondering if anyone on crossfire had done anything similar before, and if so if they could share the scientist they used?

Thanks <:o)
Archimedes? Da Vinci? Fleming?
didn't even think of da vinci, thanks ;D
And you can make a presentation as easy and interesting as you want it to be, it's down to how you go about writing it!
Have fun
try to explain crossfire to them.
Normal Borlaug & dwarf wheat, tackling world hunger.

QuoteNobel Peace Prize
For his contributions to the world food supply, Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. ....He was awarded the prize on December 10. In his Nobel Lecture the following day, he speculated on his award: "When the Nobel Peace Prize Committee designated me the recipient of the 1970 award for my contribution to the 'green revolution', they were in effect, I believe, selecting an individual to symbolize the vital role of agriculture and food production in a world that is hungry, both for bread and for peace".

The SAA is a research and extension organization that aims to increase food production in African countries that are struggling with food shortages. "I assumed we'd do a few years of research first," Borlaug later recalled, "but after I saw the terrible circumstances there, I said, 'Let's just start growing'."[20] Soon, Borlaug and the SAA had projects in seven countries. Yields of maize and sorghum in developed African countries doubled between 1983 and 1985.[30] Yields of wheat, cassava, and cowpeas also increased in these countries.
thanks nellie ;DDD it's amazing to think i'd never even heard of him, looking at how much he's done ;ppp
Yeah he’s a strange one, neither had I until he was referenced in an episode of the West Wing! Curiosity took hold ‘n I had a look around, ended up including him in my biology coursework.

I think he’d be an interesting guy to make a presentation on and deserving of a raised profile. Everyone knows the basics of Archimedes, Da Vinci ‘n co – this’d stand you out, whilst including no real extra leg work as there’s no shortage of information on what he’s helped achieve.
Newton? But I think Da Vinci is better everyone know him
Make it about Sweden Alfred Nobel, the man who invented flying!

I made one huge back in my high school days about Da Vinci, quite an interesting guy. I learned a lot about him what I had never know before.
pterodactyl were flying before him though :(
Not as fast. And those went to only one direction at the time. KABOOOM!
diden't nobel just invent tnt?
As I said, "KABOOOM", and there you go, flying in every direction.
unexpected joke
You weren´t supposed to start arguing about it, you were supposed to realize the retardness of the joke on my first comment. We both failed.
Oppenheimer. the man who lead the research on the first atomic bomb

@Thomm Nobel invented dynamite... NOT flying... ofc you can make stuff fly with dynamite =)
Do one about Werhner von Braun, he makes up one interesting person imo. First helping the Germans to create the V2 ballistic missiles and afterwards being fought over by the Americans and Russians who both wanted to recruit him for their own rocket projects. Finally being transported to the US in a secret operation and becoming a naturalized citizen as well of the US.
Maxwell, Einstein - some of most imporant physicists.
docter phil
Nikola Tesla. One of the most underrated great scientists of all time.

The inventor of Alternating Current - AC the very same that powers your PCs powersupply, which again is rectified in your PSU and delivered in DC form. Without AC there wouldn't be much of highvoltage use at all.
Oppenheimer is an interesting choice. There's a man who really helped transform the world.
Maxwell, Bohr and Newton are also good candidates.
Thor Bjørklund, the inventor of the cheese slicer
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