some killerboy list
20 Nov 2008, 17:23
wasn't there all this hype about some fucking list yesterday? I'm confused
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2. That you are nerd enough to create a new account to spam crossfire.
3. That killerboy probably banned you so your reply is funny.
4. That you could possibly be a new member talking already about killerboy, which imo is LOL.
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What I really can't wait for though is Spring 2009. The conclusion to BSG. I've been watching some of the eps again with friends and it really is the best show on television these last few years.
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I mean these pictures
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some result on ascii pics
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yerr i know :')
if you wasnt twat.. id actually feel sorry for you :')
eeewwft man, at least my job is more than writing shit for gaming teams
shame :\