questions bout the drama

here are some:

-is it ok that BelgiumTeam Beltards has zeh CFNC when they got banned not so long after it ended?
-will Belgium will become another hated nation like Poland?
-who will be next?
-is it the end of ET?

image: Dramallama01


/flame on
1st :D

yep they'll become Poland like
Ènd of ET because of retards ? ET survived many retards, so this won't be an exception!
no, because mAus is still loved by most of us <3 [/fanboyisme]
Polaks have been shit before the entire cheating affair, so no, they won't be the same.
Team BE best team ever, they acheieved everything so I totally understand their decision to stop playing - MOST HATED <3
BE still has some non cheating players too
dont think it will be the end of ET ... but thats just cause there is no other game like ET that you could switch to :p (desperatly hoping for RtCW2)

next? who knows... coulb be reload lul (jk dont think so i <3 reload) though it could actually be anyone you thought or might have not thought of :<

be won become like pl... they dont lag like shit even with forced netsettings... :)

as for the CFNC ... it should be clearified whether they cheated back then or not... since i have no infos about that i dont want to say they dont deserve it nor do i want to state that its their right to claim this achievment :X/
if u take it as it is in sports then they should take away all the 1st 2nd and 3rd places but since it's e-dramasports then nobody gives a flying fuck and about be not lagging... :::::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
RtCW2 Wolfenstein
there are cheater in et.. :O
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