Solarize Productions - Progression

Day One of Solarize Productions, and already me and MYSTIFY have several things done.

We've done several 'jobs' for several people already.

One thing we both did:

image: cre8ive%20banner

image: 23twznyte1
or clicky here


image: Crazy%20MYSTIFY

image: deathnotegi7

image: jessiecopyad8

image: musicgc1

image: snowsiglolhi4

image: Anime%201

image: MYSTIFY

image: Britney%20Spears

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[18:09] <ovr-sean> Nice clan name cre8ive]al
[18:09] <cre8ive]al> nice face sean
[18:09] <ovr-sean> Nice cre8tive m8.
[18:10] <re-play|griim> allan : D
[18:11] <cre8ive]al> emily : D
[18:11] <re-play|griim> oh al
[18:11] <re-play|griim> lets clean the sl8
[18:11] <Bilgrim> dave @ pro abbreviations.
[18:11] <ovr-sean> clean the pl8 m8
[18:12] <ovr-Rewolf> isnt it too l8 already?
[18:12] <re-play|griim> :D
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> fuckfaces
[18:12] <ovr-sean> it's our f8 to clean the pl8
[18:12] <re-play|griim> hahaha
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> i didnt made this clanname
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> idiots ;
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> (
[18:12] <ovr-sean> Piece of shit.
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> pice of dave ?
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> piece
[18:12] <re-play|griim> we're just b8ing, m8
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> *
[18:12] <ovr-Rewolf> would be even gr8er if you made it al
[18:12] <cre8ive]al> nerds
[18:13] <re-play|griim> :D
[18:13] <Bilgrim> w8 m8 we are just sl8ing your pl8 it was gr8
[18:13] <Bilgrim> bad :<
[18:13] <re-play|griim> why the h8?
[18:13] <ovr-sean> fucking st8 of you bil
[18:13] <ovr-sean> crazy 88's.
[18:13] <Bilgrim> we have gr8 abrevi8 skillz m8s
[18:13] <re-play|griim> oh bil's a natural at this shit
[18:13] <ovr-sean> cheers babe, now nosh me off.
[18:14] <Bilgrim> :D
allan got rolled
nice ! <3
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